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Iranian Resistance Condemns Release of Executioner Hamid Noury

Hamid Noury’s Release and Return to Iran from Sweden Promotes Crimes Against Humanity, Terrorism, and Hostage-Taking

June 15, 2024: The Iranian Resistance has strongly condemned the release and return of Hamid Noury to Iran from Sweden, warning that it encourages crimes against humanity, terrorism, and hostage-taking by the Iranian regime.

Last week, the Iranian Resistance issued a stark warning against the disgraceful deal leading to the release of Hamid Noury. Noury, implicated in the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners—90% of whom were members and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organisation of Iran (PMOI/MEK)—has been freed in a move that is both shameful and unjustifiable. This release emboldens the Iranian regime, its torturers, and executioners, encouraging them to persist in their genocide and crimes against humanity. Furthermore, it will likely incite the regime’s religious fascism to escalate terrorism, hostage-taking, and extortion.

On June 8, the Judicial Committee of the NCRI had already cautioned about secretive negotiations with the clerical regime to secure Noury‘s release, highlighting the potential repercussions. The Independent International Fact-Finding Mission, supported by the Swedish government, has called on nations worldwide to utilize their legal systems to prosecute and hold accountable those responsible for crimes against humanity in Iran. By releasing Noury, Sweden violates its international obligations to combat serious crimes.

The mullahs’ regime, alongside its foreign ministry, judiciary spokespersons, and media, has repeatedly blackmailed and taken Swedish citizens and dual nationals hostage while castigating and insulting the Swedish judiciary for prosecuting and sentencing Noury. On May 27, 2023, Kazem Gharibabadi, the Judiciary’s deputy for international affairs, declared in a meeting with Noury’s son that all relevant bodies, including the Foreign Ministry, the Human Rights Headquarters, and the Judiciary’s International Affairs Department, were working towards Noury’s release.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), declared that all prisoners, torture victims, plaintiffs, families of massacre victims, and the entire Iranian nation vehemently condemn the disgraceful release of Hamid Noury. They neither forgive nor forget.

This act is a profound affront to the Swedish judiciary. Surrendering to the criminal mullahs and hostage-takers emboldens them to further exploit Swedish territory for their terrorist activities.

JVMI Strongly Condemns Release of Hamid Noury, Demands Justice for Victims of Iran’s 1988 Massacre

Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre in Iran (JVMI) strongly condemns the release of Hamid Noury, a perpetrator of the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in Iran, by the Swedish government.

In 2022, Noury was convicted by the Stockholm District Court of murder and serious crimes against international law for his role in the mass extrajudicial executions and enforced disappearances during the 1988 massacre. His life sentence was upheld by the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court.

Noury’s release as part of a deal for Swedish nationals held hostage in Iran disregards the suffering of his victims and sends a dangerous message of impunity to Iranian authorities. It sets a shameful precedent, undermines international efforts to hold perpetrators accountable, and affronts the Swedish judiciary.

The 1988 massacre stemmed from a fatwa by Supreme Leader Khomeini targeting the main opposition PMOI/MEK. ‘Death Commissions’ across Iran sent political prisoners who refused to abandon their beliefs to execution. Members of other leftist groups were also executed in a subsequent wave.

JVMI urges the UN to establish an independent inquiry into the massacre to investigate the crimes, identify those responsible, and ensure justice. The culture of impunity in Iran stems from the failure to hold officials accountable for previous major crimes like the 1988 killings.

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Iranian Resistance Condemns Release of Executioner Hamid Noury