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Anti-Regime Activities Mark Student Day in Iran

Anti-regime activities were carried out in various cities in Iran last week to mark National Students Day, despite repressive measures being significantly increased.

The Iranian Resistance Units used the commemoration of the day when the Iranian police assassinated three students, to continue their campaign for regime change by spreading the slogans of Iranian Resistance leaders Massoud and Maryam Rajavi on posters throughout the country.

Many of the slogans personally targeted supreme leader Ali Khamenei and the Revolutionary Guards (IRGC), which is the institution responsible for domestic repression, persecution of protesters, and looting the people’s wealth.

These slogans included:

  • “Rebellious youth will write Iran’s destiny”
  • “Down with the principle of the Supreme Leader’s rule”
  • “Down with Khamenei, hail to Rajavi”
  • “We can, and we must overthrow the dictator”
  • “Imprisoned students must be freed”
  • “The IRGC must be disbanded”
  • “As Massoud Rajavi said, we should rise and take back our rights from the mullahs”

 The Resistance Units also honoured the memory of prominent Iranian academic and political activist Dr Mohammad Maleki, who died suddenly on December 2.

The Resistance Units also attacked five IRGC Basij bases in Tehran, and Mashhad, including the warehouse of the Khatam al-Anbia garrison. Why? Because the Basij are the hated paramilitary force used to quell protests through any means and are responsible for the massacre of 1,500 protesters during the November 2019 uprising.

Meanwhile, in Isfahan and Khorramabad, the youth attacked two centres involved in spreading fundamentalism, as well as the office of Khamenei’s representative, who is the person responsible for implementing Khamenei’s laws locally.

These actions show the bravery of the Iranian Resistance units, especially because the group is linked with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and the regime hands down harsh punishments, including imprisonment, torture, and execution, for those who support the MEK.

Despite this, support for the MEK has risen and this scares the regime. Their propaganda campaign to dissuade Iranian youths for joining the MEK published 538 anti-MEK books from 1980 until 2020 and 180 movies and series in just the last ten years.

All of this has failed and Iranians aren’t buying the myth that there’s no alternative to the regime, which is why the MEK were able to lead hundreds of thousands of Iranians to take part in the January 2018 and November 2019 uprisings that shook the regime to its core.

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Anti-Regime Activities Mark Student Day in Iran