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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Senator Cory Booker, From New Jersey, Addresses the Free Iran 2022

Senator Cory Booker From New Jersey
Senator Cory Booker From New Jersey

Excerpts of the speech of Senator Cory Booker From New Jersey, at the Free Iran 2022, is as follows:

Thank you all for inviting me to speak at the Free Iran World Summit. As you know, Iran is at a crucial crossroads, with thousands of Iranians protesting, asking for their freedoms for greater economic opportunity and fairness.

We in the United States of America, we, the people of the United States of America, stand with the people of Iran, especially those courageous people seeking change. We know the Iranian people want a free and equitable society, a society, and country that is unchained from oppression and not held back by violent authoritarianism.

Unfortunately, we know the people of Iran have denied these rights far too long. In addition to Iran’s human rights violations against its own people, we must stand firm against Iran’s other destabilizing activities in the region, such as its support for terrorism, ballistic missile development, and detention of foreign political prisoners, including Americans who warrant, and these warrants strong and coordinated international diplomacy.

So, we in the world must stand strong in demanding an Iran dedicated to nuclear nonproliferation as well. And so, to that end, please know that I am committed to doing all I can to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. Like you, I am in awe of how the Iranian people have demonstrated their remarkable resilience.

There is incredible grit and strength in the people of Iran. So, this idea, the sacred hope for Iran, which is a hope for all people, whether in Iran or the United States, people experience the basic rights of freedom of expression. People should experience the basic rights of freedom of religion.

People should experience the basic rights of the freedom to choose your leaders. These are the basic rights that we all cherish and that connect people around the world to this aspiration that we should live in a more just planet.

The culture and customs and history of Iran and its people are incredible. And speak to these human values. They are a remarkable, remarkable history. This is a remarkable history. If you look at the Iranian, the Persian culture and its contributions to the growth, the expansion of humanity in arts and sciences and culture, it is true that we should be celebrating Iran’s people, we should be celebrating this culture within Iran itself and around the world.

But instead, we have an authoritarian regime that is stifling this best of this culture, that is hurting people and that is conducting in itself in a way that is endangering the entire region. We have work to do, but I believe still the power of the people is greater than the people in power.

I believe still that the ideals of freedom and justice are the human, not just aspiration, but it is our destiny. Any, if we work together and if we focus together, I believe one day Iran will be free. Thank you.

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Senator Cory Booker, From New Jersey, Addresses the Free Iran 2022