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James Bezan, Member of the House of Commons of Canada, Addresses the Free Iran 2022

James Bezan, Member of the House of Commons of Canada
James Bezan, Member of the House of Commons of Canada

Excerpts of the speech of James Bezan, Member of the House of Commons of Canada, at the Free Iran 2022, is as follows:

Hi, I’m James Bezan, a conservative member of parliament here in Canada, and I’m pleased to join everyone virtually in support of the Free Iran 2022 Summit.

I wish to add my voice to Denounce Ayatollah Khamenei and the Mullahs regime, who have trampled upon every aspect of international norms and values, most notably the continued violation of human rights upon the people of Iran, over the past four decades, the international community was made aware of many of their abuses through the tireless work of the MEK network inside Iran, including exposing Iran’s secret nuclear sites and activities, back in 2002, the MEK exposed a list of 33,000 corrupt judiciary officials, along with 22000 of their personal pictures.

What strikes me most is that many Western countries, Canada included, have adapted and adopted tools to name shame and sanctioned corrupt foreign officials and gross human rights violators through the use of the …law which I sponsored here in Canada in 2018.

Yet, despite this invaluable information, including the role that today’s President Raisi played in the 1988 massacre of political prisoners, the west has been shy of naming and sanctioning these Kleptocratic members of the Iranian regime.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan for a democratic, secular republic gives hope that the future of Iran is bright. But the west must quit appeasing the Mullahs, since they have proven time and again, they cannot be trusted in any negotiations on their nuclear capabilities.

The people of Iran continue to demonstrate true resilience and courage in their protests and civil demonstrations. Their tenacity and commitment to a greater future for their country is inspiring to all of us. I express my solidarity with the people of Iran.

Thank you to the MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran for letting the world know that a democratic alternative is present and ready to replace the oppressive regime in Tehran. I wish you all the very best.

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James Bezan, Member of the House of Commons of Canada, Addresses the Free Iran 2022