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Alarming Surge of Political Executions in Iran

Under the fog of the war in Gaza, the regime of Iran has been engaged in a widespread campaign of suppression at home.The regime has carried out more than 100 death sentences in the past month and is taking advantage of the situation to execute dissidents lingering in Iran’s prisons.
Executions in Iran are on the rise as the regime seeks to delay its imminent downfall

Under the fog of the war in Gaza, the regime of Iran has been engaged in a widespread campaign of suppression at home. The regime has carried out more than 100 death sentences in the past month and is taking advantage of the situation to execute dissidents lingering in Iran’s prisons.

On Thursday, November 30, the regime executed political prisoner Kamran Rezaei, who was arrested during the 2019 nationwide anti-regime protests. Rezaei was hanged in Adel Abad prison, Shiraz, under charges of “waging war against God” (moharebeh), a vaguely defined crime the regime uses to condemn dissidents to death. Rezaei was brutally tortured to make incriminating confessions about killing a member of the criminal Basij, the paramilitary force that is tasked with suppressing protesters.

On Wednesday, November 29, the regime executed Sunni prisoner Ayoub Karimi after 14 years of imprisonment and torture. He was arrested along with six other people in 2009 and were sentenced to death by the notorious judge Mohammad Moghiseh. Ghassem Abesteh, another prisoner from the same group, was executed on November 5. The five remaining prisoners are in Ghezelhesar prison, Karaj, and are under the threat of being executed.

On November 28, the regime executed political prisoner Hani Alboushahbazi under the charge of moharebeh in the Sepidar prison of Ahvaz. Alboushahbazi was also arrested during the 2019 protests and was sentenced to death on charges of moharebeh. On the same day, the regime executed six other prisoners in Ghezelhesar and Ilam prisons. And on November 6, the regime executed five prisoners, including a juvenile offender.

On November 27, reports from inside Iran indicated that the regime secretly executed political prisoner Ali Saber Motlaq in Lakan Prison in Rasht.
Saber Motlaq, 62, was a supporter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). He had previously been imprisoned in the 1980s because of his support for PMOI. He was arrested again in 2020 and charged with killing a regime official in 1981, an accusation he never accepted.

On November 23, the regime executed Milad Zohrevand, 21, one of the protesters arrested during Iran’s nationwide uprising that began in September 2022.
Zohrevand, was injured and arrested by security forces on October 27. After severely torturing Zohrevand, the regime’s criminal judiciary sentenced him to death on charges of killing a member of the Revolutionary Guards named Ali Nazari.

Also in November, the regime executed three Baluch prisoners in Zahedan Central prison. Mohammad Karim Bazkazayi, Mohammad Barahoui, and Edris Bilrani were executed for being associated with a dissident group. They were arrested in August 2020 and were extremely tortured in the prisons of the IRGC. They were sentenced to death in January 2022.

On November 8, the regime executed political prisoner Meisam Chandani (Dehghani), 34, in Zahedan Central Prison. Meisam was arrested in September 2011, at the age of 22. In a sham trial, he was accused of participating in the killing of three repressive agents and sentenced to death on false charges of “acting against national security” and “waging war against God through armed action.” He was hanged after 12 years of incarceration and torture.Several other political prisoners are under the threat of being executed.

The Iranian Resistance has called on the United Nations, Amnesty International and other human rights organizations to intervene to stop the Iranian regime’s executions and to save the lives of prisoners, especially political prisoners. Silence and inaction in the face of the world’s leading executioner, torturer, terrorist, and warmonger, encourages this regime to continue and intensify its crimes against humanity.

On November 30, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) in this regard said: “Cruel Execution of Political Prisoner Hani Albushaibi from Arab compatriots – 31 executions in the past 9 days Iran. Silence in the face of the godfather of execution and slaughter is an encouragement to continue the crime against humanity. The UN and the European Union must strongly condemn this regime for its arbitrary executions and take urgent action to save the death-row prisoners, especially political prisoners.”


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Alarming Surge of Political Executions in Iran