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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Speech by Professor Kees De Lange, Former Dutch Senator at the Conference in The Netherlands

During a conference held in the Hague, the Netherlands, Professor Kees De Lange, a former Dutch Senator, shed light on the Iranian regime's role in exacerbating the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East.
Professor Kees De Lange, former Dutch Senator

During a conference held in the Hague, the Netherlands, Professor Kees De Lange, a former Dutch Senator, shed light on the Iranian regime’s role in exacerbating the ongoing conflicts in the Middle East. Senator De Lange contended that the Iranian regime does not perceive Palestine as a cause to champion but rather as a strategic tool to divert attention from its purported oppressive behavior and internal shortcomings.

The ex-Dutch Senator asserted that the regime’s apprehension of a potential uprising jeopardizing its hold on power compels it to escalate domestic oppression and involve itself in foreign conflicts. Drawing attention to statements made by Ali Khamenei, the Supreme Leader of the regime, Professor De Lange underscored Khamenei’s remarks indicating that engagement in conflicts in Syria, Iraq, and Palestine is a deliberate strategy aimed at preserving the stability of his own regime.

The full text of Senator de Lange’s Speech follows:

Ladies and gentlemen, friends of the people of Iran, on the occasion of the International Day of Human Rights, observed on the 10 December, it is good to be here today to discuss human rights issues in relation to the theocratic Mullah regime in Iran.

At the same time, it is an abomination that after so many years, the need for it is larger than ever. Not only is the Iranian regime a danger to its own citizens for too many years, but it is also a danger to its neighbors in the Middle East and to world stability.

There is every reason to be deeply concerned about the alarming number of executions in Iran, which have reached 743 since the beginning of 2023, and about the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas fueled by Iran.

At first glance, these two situations may seem unrelated. However, the National Council of Resistance of Iran has brought to our attention a crucial point that cannot be ignored. It asserts that the head of the snake lies in Tehran, indicating that the Iranian regime is the primary cause of the current conflict in the Middle East. Why? Because for the Iranian regime, Palestine is just business and a perfect means of diverting attention from its own murderous misconduct and failures towards its own people.

The ensuing polarization resulting from Iran’s blatant support to terrorist organizations such as Hamas and Hezbollah is an existential threat to Middle East peace and hence to world stability. This leads us to the question of why the Iranian regime needs this war.

We must not forget the protests that swept through Iran last year after the state-sanctioned murder of Mahsa Amini. The 2022 Iran uprising demonstrated that Iranian society is a powder cap capable of igniting at any moment, and its volatility has only increased. This uprising brought the regime to the brink of overthrow. The persistent presence of resistance units challenging the regime, and suffocating rub across Iran and its people, remains a significant and unresolved problem for the regime.

The fear that a popular uprising setting power undermines the regime, its stability. To overcome this precarious situation, the regime intensifies domestic oppression and engages in foreign wars. Ayatollah Khamenei has repeatedly stated that if they do not fight in Syria, Iraq, and Palestine, they will have to fight within their own borders, implying that they will confront the Iranian people.

Indeed, Khamenei needs war, crisis, and destruction wherever he can initiate it to divert attention from Iran. In fact, due to its inherently reactionary nature, the Iranian regime does not envision a future for itself.

Except in times of crisis and war. It has never been committed to free elections within Iran, disregarding the public’s votes. Now, Khamenei vocalizes his concerns about Middle East peace, with the sole purpose of destroying every possibility for adversaries to find some sort of compromise.

In this deceptive act, his primary concern is the survival of his own criminal regime. In this context, the most significant revenue for Khamenei from the Gaza war has been the execution of approximately 170 people in Iran, including a juvenile, before reaching the legal age, while the Gaza War has deviated attention from Iran.

This is precisely what we mean when we say that the head of the snake is in Tehran. We heard today that the criminal President of Iran, Raisi, is now going to visit Geneva to a United Nations convention. It’s a bloody shame, I would say, that this is happening and the whole world should get together to prevent this scandal. Talking about problems is haunting, but what are the possible solutions?

So, what is the solution to this protracted and complex war? With prospects surrounding, there is a clear path forward. The world must focus on the Iranian regime and target the head of the snake in Tehran.

But how can this be received? There are some important actions to consider.

-First, designate the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.
-Implement maximum sanctions and activate the mechanism of sanctions.
-Three, remove every attempt at appeasement, which will only lead to more misery for more people during longer periods from all dealings with the Iranian regime.
-Fourth, stand firm against every attempt by the Iranian regime to develop nuclear arms. Fifth, and certainly not least, support democratic opposition, the National Council of Resistance of Iran and its leader, Maryam Rajavi.

But with all these actions, remove all these actions. Remove the head of the snake in Tehran. It is crucial to realize that the world does not have to fight for the Iranian people. Iran has its courageous fighters who are more than capable of achieving this aim.

The MEK has demonstrated the readiness to pay the price for freedom. It is sufficient for the West to fulfill its duty by not granting concessions to the regime, by not turning a blind eye to its crimes, and by holding it accountable. Otherwise, the Iranian regime is prepared to create a new crisis every day to ensure its survival.

On the occasion of this International Day of Human Rights, let us unite to our commitment to justice, peace, and the pursuit of freedom for all the people around the world, especially those suffering under oppressive regimes. Together, we can work towards a better and more humane future.

The democracy inside and outside Iran deserves every support that the World can give. There is no freedom and democracy for those who are afraid. In summary, long live a free and democratic Iran.

Thank you for your attention.

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