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Key Elements of Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), has outlined a comprehensive ten-point plan aimed at establishing a democratic and just society. Her vision focuses on foundational democratic principles, equality and freedom, economic and environmental justice, and advocating for peace and security. Here are the key elements of her plan:

Establishing a Democratic Foundation

1. Democratic Elections: Maryam Rajavi calls for a republic grounded in universal suffrage and the separation of religion and state. Central to her vision is the guarantee of free and fair elections, ensuring the people’s voice is heard and respected.

2. Human Rights: Full respect for human rights is paramount. This includes safeguarding freedom of expression and the press while abolishing all forms of censorship. These measures aim to create a society where individuals can speak freely and access information without fear.

3. Judicial Independence: An independent judiciary that adheres to the rule of law and due process is essential. Rajavi also advocates for the abolition of the death penalty, emphasizing the importance of humane justice.

Ensuring Equality and Freedom

4. Gender Equality: Ensuring complete gender equality in all spheres of life is a cornerstone of Mrs. Rajavi’s plan. She aims to end discrimination against women and abolish laws that oppress or degrade them.

5. Religious Freedom: Protecting the freedom of religion and belief is crucial. Mrs. Rajavi’s plan includes ending religious discrimination and abolishing compulsory religious practices, fostering an environment of tolerance and respect for diverse beliefs.

6. Ethnic Equality: The rights of all ethnic minorities must be recognized, ensuring equal opportunities and respect for cultural diversity. This approach aims to build a society that values and celebrates its multicultural fabric.
Promoting Economic and Environmental Justice

7. Economic Justice: Rajavi supports a market economy that provides opportunities for all. By encouraging entrepreneurship and investment while ensuring social justice, she envisions a balanced and inclusive economic system.

8. Environment: A commitment to protecting the environment is central to Rajavi’s plan. She advocates for sustainable development practices and measures to combat pollution and environmental degradation, ensuring a healthy planet for future generations.

Advocating for Peace and Security

9. Peaceful Foreign Policy: Rajavi’s foreign policy vision is rooted in peaceful coexistence and international cooperation. She firmly rejects nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction, promoting a global culture of peace.

10. Security and Stability: For domestic stability, Rajavi calls for the dissolution of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), the Quds Force, and other suppressive institutions. This measure aims to dismantle the mechanisms of oppression and create a secure and stable society.

Maryam Rajavi’s ten-point plan outlines a vision for a future Iran that is democratic, just, and peaceful. By addressing fundamental issues of governance, human rights, equality, and sustainability, her plan seeks to transform Iran into a society that upholds the dignity and rights of all its citizens.

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Key Elements of Maryam Rajavi’s Ten-Point Plan