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Remarks by Costa Rican MP Monserrat Ruiz Guevara at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2

Costa Rican MP Monserrat Ruiz Guevara

On June 30, 2024,  at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2 hosted at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris, Monserrat Ruiz Guevara, Member of Parliament from Costa Rica, delivered a powerful speech. Ms. Guevara commended Maryam Rajavi‘s courage, affirming that living in freedom is worth the fight. She called for a united effort from women, girls, men, and anyone willing to join this valuable cause. She reminded the audience that while rights are enshrined in conventions and laws, they are won in the streets, and women’s rights are human rights.

The full text of MP Ruiz Guevara’s speech follows:

From the Republic of Costa Rica, it is an honor for me to send a powerful message as a Western woman from one of the most consolidated democracies in Latin America. Greetings to everyone here today. Thank you, Maryam, for trusting us and placing us in a significant moment in history, an important history for a free Iran.

It is not only an honor to be able to join this meeting, but it also brings together many women and men from around the world in a common cause, a cause that belongs to all of us: the fight for Iran’s freedom. In 2022, Time magazine declared all Iranian women as heroines of the year. They are undoubtedly an example of struggle, not just in their country but around the world.

In the times we live in, many forces and actors are trying to push women back into the darkness. As part of our parliamentary work, as women in political power, it is our duty to raise our causes and our struggles against the harassment and impunity faced by women. The saddest part is that many of these aggressors are in political spheres and leading states.

The fight of women today is synonymous with hope, freedom, and rights. Throughout history, our resistance has been collective, and we have shown that in the face of so much male violence, resistance is feminist. Women today stop the world for freedom, justice, equality, and equity. No society can afford to progress without recognizing and guaranteeing women’s rights.

Costa Rican MP Monserrat Ruiz Guevara

In Iran, misogyny and the subordination of women have made them second, third, or fourth-class citizens. They have been victims of a regime that denies them their most basic rights from birth, simply for being women. This ruthless violence is reflected in discriminatory legislation, almost nonexistent economic participation, forced marriages, and many other forms of oppression.

History shows us that whenever authoritarian and reactionary forces come to power, women’s rights are the most sacrificed. There are many current examples worldwide: not only in the Iranian regime but also in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Russia, and many others.

With the courage of our dear Maryam, we see that living in freedom is worth it and that we must fight for it. From women, girls, men, and everyone who wants to join this valuable cause. Rights are written in conventions and laws, but they were conquered in the streets before that. Women’s rights are human rights. Today, the resistance in defense of freedom and justice has a female face, so let us make the world resemble us.

Thank you very much.


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Remarks by Costa Rican MP Monserrat Ruiz Guevara at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2