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Remarks by Irish MP John Paul Phelan at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2

Irish MP John Paul Phelan

On June 30, 2024,  at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2 hosted at the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) headquarters in Paris, John Paul Phelan, a long-serving member of the Irish Parliament, delivered an impassioned speech.

The full text of MP John Paul Phelan’s speech follows:

Madame Rajavi, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen, it’s a privilege for me to attend the free Iran Summit 2024 here in Paris. My name is Sean Paul Phelan, and I’ve been a member of the Chamber of Deputies, the doll in our country, Ireland, for many years, 23 years as a member of parliament.

Free Iran, simple but beautiful words. It is my privilege to be part of the Irish delegation that wishes to do everything that we possibly can as a nation to ensure that Iran becomes free. So many Iranian people that I know live in my own constituency in exile, often with their children who have never been able to travel home to their own homeland because their parents were involved in the NCRI and other opposition organizations. I cannot imagine what it must be like not to be able to do that.

Irish MP John Paul Phelan

I also want to, in a very particular way, criticize European governments, politicians from all over the world, and politicians from Ireland who have, over the last number of years in particular, tried to deal with the tyrannical regime in Iran. I think it was General Jones yesterday who said that the only way to deal with the regime in Iran is by strength and by outright opposition to their murders and barbaric coercion of their own people.

I also want to, in a particular way, pay tribute to those who we had yesterday, who spoke from Iran, who had to disguise their appearance, cover their faces, and give their messages to this conference. I want them to know that they’re not alone, that we here are listening to them and not only listening, but we fully support their objectives for a free Iran.

I want to Madame Rajavi, before I finish thanking a very particular way, Mrs. Dowlat, Hussain, Muhammad, and Amir, who are our, who are our, they look after the Irish delegation and have been such an exemplar of everything that is good about Iran.

The Iranian people and Iranian people that I have met in my 25 years in public life have all been patient and hospitable, and it is for their efforts that we wish to add our support and live and work to achieve a free Iran.

Thank you very much.

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Remarks by Irish MP John Paul Phelan at the Free Iran 2024 World Summit – Day 2