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New York—September 24, 2024: Protest Rally by MEK Supporters Against the Presence of the Mullahs’ President Pezeshkian at the UNGA

New York Rally – September 24, 2024

New York, September 24, 2024: Iranian-American communities from across the US and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) participated in a large demonstration in front of the UN. New York demonstration, following a week-long campaign against Masoud Pezeshkian‘s trip to New York to attend the UNGA79, saw Iranians demanding the overthrow of the religious dictatorship ruling Iran and calling for the prosecution of the regime’s leaders for crimes against humanity.

On September 24, 2024, demonstrators continued the protest rally, stating: “Today’s rally calls for an end to appeasement and international support for regime change in Iran. Masoud Pezeshkian’s presence at the UN is an insult to human rights—nearly 180executions since August! The Iranian Resistance, led by Maryam Rajavi, offers a clear path forward to a free, democratic, non-nuclear republic.”

Members of the Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC) from across the United States have gathered in New York for a week-long campaign to protest against Masoud Pezeshkian and his presence at UNGA79.

According to ABC: “Thousands of Iranian-Americans held a protest outside of the United Nations demanding justice for victims of Iran’s regime.” Close to 100 reporters covered @OrgIAC rally today.

OIAC said on September 24: “Appeasement of the Iranian regime must end. The free world must support the Iranian people’s right to overthrow the mullahs’ dictatorship and build a democratic, non-nuclear republic. Head of snake in Tehran is the problem. That is the message of thousands rallying outside of UNGA79 now”.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), sent a video message to the demonstration in New York on September 24, 2024. Mrs. Rajavi condemned Masoud Pezeshkian’s presence at the UN General Assembly, describing it as a disgrace to contemporary humanity. She called on the international community to:

Recognize the Iranian people’s right to overthrow the clerical regime
Prosecute the regime’s leaders for crimes against humanity
Deny legitimacy to the regime in international forums

She praised the protesters and Resistance Units for their ongoing efforts against the regime. Mrs. Rajavi emphasized the Iranian people’s determination to establish a democratic republic based on:

Separation of religion and state
Gender equality
Abolition of the death penalty
Peaceful coexistence with neighbors

The message concluded with confidence in the Iranian people’s ability to achieve freedom and democracy through their continued struggle.

At the large gathering of Iranians supporting the Iranian Resistance in front of the United Nations headquarters in New York, protesting the visit of the president of the mullahs’ regime to New York, several American political figures, including Senator Ted Cruz via video, and Ambassador Sam Brownback and Ambassador Marc Ginsberg, delivered speeches.

In this major rally, representatives of Iranian American communities, including women and youth, also spoke, calling for an end to the policy of appeasement toward the Iranian regime and expressing support for the democratic alternative of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, led by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, and her ten-point plan for a free Iran in the future.

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New York—September 24, 2024: Protest Rally by MEK Supporters Against the Presence of the Mullahs’ President Pezeshkian at the UNGA