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Mrs. Rajavi”s speech on 30th anniversary of 1988 massacre in Iran 

Mrs. Rajavi

Mrs. Rajavi”s speech on 30th anniversary of 1988 massacre in Iran

Saturday, August 25, 2018, on the 30th anniversary of the massacre of political prisoners in Iran and the second anniversary of the movement: Calling for Justice for the Victims of the 1988 Massacre, Paris and other westerns cities hosted conferences held by the Iranian communities to commemorate the anniversary of the 1988 massacre.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), the keynote speaker in the conference, took the floor and paid homage to the martyrs, fallen for freedom of Iranian people.

She saluted the friends of the Iranian Resistance and the families of the martyrs who joined the global conference of the Iranian communities in France, Germany, Britain, Holland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, Austria, Romania and Canada.

On the 30th anniversary of the slain heroes in 1988, Mrs. Rajavi urges all Iranian and especially the youth to do their best to expand the movement seeking justice for victims of the 1988 massacre, which is part of the uprising for the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime.

Mrs. Rajavi stared that according to the information compiled and published by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran in a book entitled, Crime against Humanity, the political prisoners were executed in 110 Iranian cities in a matter of a few months in 1988.

She counted that as the root of what we see now, that those fameless towns have turned into hubs of uprisings, and those subdued cities have turned into grounds of revolt.

Mrs. Rajavi called the audience to rise and honor the memory of the 30,000 red roses of the Iranian Resistance massacred in 1988 by a minute-long applaud, on the 30th anniversary of this unforgettable epic.

Then, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the murderers of 30,000 political prisoners would not stop at anything to confront their alternative because terrorism is inherent to the clerical regime.

Then, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized that the murderers of 30,000 political prisoners would stop at nothing

to confront their alternative because terrorism is inherent at the clerical regime.

Reminding the fact that for 3 decades, the international community has been silent over the 1988 massacre in Iran, the mullahs have continued with impunity to violate human rights in Iran, launch terrorist operations, and wage wars in the Middle East and other countries. She added that the time has come to end this silence.

She applauded the organization of Iranian communities who defend freedom and democracy for Iran and enjoy political, diplomatic and social leverage in different countries, as part of the wherewithal of the democratic alternative and part of the Iranian people’s assets for Iran’s freedom

Mrs. Rajavi stated, “Thirty years after the 1988 massacre, the dispute continues to be over the advocacy of the ideals of the Resistance, the ideals which today are being espoused by the resistance units inside Iran. They are called the forces of overthrow.”


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