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We strongly support Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and her 10-point plan

Maryam Rajavi

We emphasize that our society strongly supports Iranian people’s resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and her 10-point plan for a free Iran.

In recent years, following calling for a justice movement by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the Iranian Resistance, many supporters of the MEK inside and outside Iran have participated in this movement, which has gained great achievements.

Maryam Rajavi

Shahnaz Gharacheh: Hello and welcome, ladies and gentlemen. I am speaking to you on behalf of the International Alliance of Women against Fundamentalism in Canada as well as other associations.

Since 2002, our association has started its activities to defend women’s rights in Iran. Our activities include holding meetings and various conferences to spotlight the issue internationally. We also participate in demonstrations in Canada and other countries.

Speech by   Shahnaz Gharacheh, The Roots of the Nationwide Uprisings & its Prospect, August 25, 2018

Today, we have come together on the anniversary of 30.000 political prisoners massacred by the repressive regime of Iran, in the summer of 1988. Political who said “no” to this regime and were in love with freedom, including large groups of women, crossed the prison corridors and walked to the gallows.

Story of 1988 Massacre in Iran

In recent years, following calling for a justice movement by Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the Iranian Resistance, many supporters of the MEK inside and outside Iran have participated in this movement, which has gained great achievements.

The international community has been aware of the crime, and the current campaign has begun with the objective of bringing the perpetrators of the crime to justice.

The blood of those heroes is bearing fruit in these days in the popular protests against the Iran regime. The people are chanting slogans of death to Khamenei, death to Rouhani and death to dictator. We also see widespread women’s participation in uprisings in various cities of Iran.

Young women and girls, who are under the suppression and severe pressure of the regime, are calling for overthrowing this criminal regime.

As Mrs. Rajavi has repeatedly expressed, the regime would be eventually pulled down by women.

We also condemn the terrible foiled terrorist operations of the mullahs’ regime against Iran’s resistance in Europe. This action was planned against the annual gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris in June 2018.

In this regard, we call on the European countries to close down the embassies, spy nests and conspiracy centers of this regime everywhere in Europe.

We call on international community to adopt decisive measures against the Iran regime. And at the end, I emphasize that our society strongly supports Iranian people’s resistance, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi and her 10-point plan for a free Iran.

Thank you all for participating in this conference.

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