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MEK supporters in Luxembourg commemorate the martyrs of the November uprising

Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters in Luxembourg commemorated the martyrs ofthe November uprising. They Condemned the brutal suppressing of Iran protests by the mullahs and supported Mrs. Maryam Rajavi‘s call to send a UN fact-finding mission to Iran. MEK supporters in Luxembourg demanded to bring Iranian regime supreme leader Ali Khamenei, regime president Hassan Rouhani, and other perpetrators of the great massacre in Iran to justice. They also insisted on continuing the path of martyrs and supportingresistance units.

PMOI and NCRI supporters in Luxembourg commemorate the martyrs of the November uprising

At the beginning of the program, a member of the Luxembourg Youth Association thanked the audience for participating in the program.

MEK/PMOI supporters in Luxembourg
MEK/PMOI and NCRI supporters in Luxembourg commemorate the martyrs of the November uprising

“Supporting the Iran protests and calling for urgent action to stop the killing and suppression is our duty,” another Iranian participant in the rally of MEK supporters in Luxembourg said in a speech.

He added: “In mid-November, millions of Iranians with slogans of ‘death to Khamenei and Rouhani’ and ‘abandon Syria and do something for us’ poured to the streets of 200 cities across Iran.”

MEK/PMOI and NCRI supporters in Luxembourg commemorate the martyrs of the November uprising

Another MEK supporter said: “After Iran protests in November, the Iranian people proved to the world that they want the complete overthrow of this murderous and inhumane regime and, in a simpler sense, the face of oppressor and oppressed were revealed to all the people of the world.”

MEK/PMOI supporters in Luxembourg
PMOI supporters in Luxembourg commemorate the martyrs of the November uprising

Another Iranian participant in the program to commemorate the uprising’s martyrs said about the regime’s efforts not to give the martyrs’ bodies to their families:

“The criminal mullahs’ regime hardly delivers the bodies of the martyrs to the families and demands the money of the bullets used to kill their loved ones before delivering their bodies. Of course, the mullahs’ regime’s atrocities are not new to the Iranian people, we all remember the massacre of 1981 and 1988.”

Many non-Iranian citizens and political figures also participated in the program of MEK supporters in Luxembourg, supporting the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom and democracy and condemning the brutal repression of the Iranian people.

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MEK supporters in Luxembourg commemorate the martyrs of the November uprising