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Supporters of PMOI/MEK across the world Rally in Solidarity with Iran Protests

Supporters of PMOI/MEK across the world Rally in Solidarity with Iran Protests

Supporters of PMOI/MEK across the world Rally in Solidarity with Iran Protests

Supporters of PMOI/MEK across the world Rally in Solidarity with Iran Protests

By Staff

Iranians across the world, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), also known as the Mujahedin Khalq (MEK), in Toronto, Canada, Oslo, Norway and Baden, Switzerland, rallied in solidarity with the nationwide Iran protests and to commemorate the martyrs of the protests 40 days after their deaths.

They paid tribute to the martyrs who gave their lives for freedom and the thousands who have been arrested and face torture and imminent execution.  

Since mid-November, Iran has seen mass protests in over 191 cities. Iran regime’s suppressive forces responded with a deadly crackdown. Over 1,500 peaceful protestors were killed, and 12,000 imprisoned without legal representation and other basic rights.

On December 15, the National council of Resistance of Iran announced that over 1,500 protesters were killed by the Iranian regime’s forces during November uprising. Reuters has also reported the same number of deaths. On Thursday, the families of the Iran protests’ martyrs in various cities of Iran held memorials for their loved ones despite unprecedented security measures.

The regime’s military and security forces were dispatched in different cities and were assigned to prevent any protests. The regime’s Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) made a concerted effort to prevent the families of martyrs from commemorating and mourning for their loved ones. The MOIS had also created an intimidating military presence in sensitive parts of the city and even in cemeteries. 

At the demonstration across the world, supporters of PMOI/MEK expressed solidarity with the families of the Iran protests’ martyrs and condemned the regime’s ban on memorials for the martyrs in Iran.  

Demonstrators called on the European Union and United Nations to condemn the regime’s bloody suppression of the Iran protests as a “crime against humanity.” They also urged the UN to support the dispatch of a fact-finding mission to Iran and to investigate the regime’s crimes, since the reports obtained by the MEK confirm the death of over 1,500 individuals, 4,000 injured and 12,000 arrests in 191 Iranian cities. They added that the fact-finding mission should travel to Iran and visit the prisons and thousands of detainees who are subjected to torture and face imminent execution.

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