Iran Freedom

MEK supporters in Hague commemorate the 40th day of the martyrs of Iran protests

MEK supporters in Hague commemorate the 40th day of the martyrs of Iran protests

MEK supporters in Hague commemorate the 40th day of the martyrs of Iran protests

By staff

MEK supporters in central church of the Hague paid tribute to martyrs of Iran protests, condemning the killing of protesters by the mullahs, and they called on the United Nations to send a fact-finding mission to Tehran to investigate the regime’s crimes against humanity.

In his speech, Father Derni referred to the general uprising of the Iranian people against the mullahs’ oppression and commemorated the martyrs of this uprising.

 Father Derni, at the ceremony honoring martyrs of the Iran protests, organized by the MEK supporters in Netherlands.
Father Derni, at the ceremony honoring martyrs of the Iran protests

“The Iranian people are going through a very dark period in their country’s history.

“Hundreds of thousands of Iranians took to the streets in mid-November this year to end the 40-year repression by the ruling regime in Iran but were brutally suppressed.

“1,500 killed, 4,000 wounded and 12,000 arrested; among the dead were women and 13- and 14-year-old children were killed. Let’s pray together for the families who have lost loved ones and for those who are currently under the most severe pressure in prisons, as well as for those who have no news of their loved ones about what has happened to them  because we believe that all human beings must be free to choose their fate and beliefs.”

Mr. Gilbert Mitterrand, chairman of the France Liberté Foundation, said to MEK supporters’ event in Hague: “The Iranian mullahs’ regime killed people by shooting bullets in more than 165 cities across the country during the popular uprising; at the same time, it shut down the Internet and Revolutionary Guards arrested many of the protesters. So far, more than 1,500 people have been killed and 4,000 injured and 12,000 arrested. The Iranian regime is a state of terror and lawlessness.”

Mr. Gilbert Mitterrand, chairman of the France Liberté Foundation,

Mr. Gilbert Mitterrand added: “Daniel Mitterrand Foundation regrets the inaction of European governments in condemning the violent repression inflicted on the Iranian people.”

This organization welcomed the call by NGOs to send fact-finding committees by UN to Iran and called for the immediate release of those arrested.

 “Today in Hague, we express our condolences and solidarity with the victims and their families, along with Paris and all capitals of the world, which have condemned this criminal regime through such programs,” Mitterrand said.

 “France Liberté Foundation, along with you, calls on governments to go beyond diplomatic warnings to clearly and decisively condemn these unacceptable crimes and to take all necessary initiatives to mobilize the international community and the United Nations,” he added.

 “Silence on the regime’s crimes is unacceptable because it encourages the mullahs to continue their crimes,” he concluded.

Gilbert Mitterrand emphasized that if the Iranian regime is forced to be clear about its crimes in front of the international community, what will surely happen is that this regime will fall under the category of criminal regimes against humanity.

“Hoping that the New Year 2020 will bring peace and light to Iran,” he said.

The other speaker in MEK supporters’ meeting in Hague was Mrs. Corinne Mitterrand.

The other speaker in MEK supporters’ meeting in Hague was Mrs. Corinne Mitterrand.

She said in her speech commemorating the massacre of 30,000 political prisoners in 1988 that Khomeini, then Iranian regime supreme leader, ordered.

Mrs. Corinne Mitterrand referred to Mrs. Maryam Rajavi‘s call to send a fact-finding mission to Iranian prisons: “The International Community and the UN Security Council must act as soon as possible to stop the mass repression and killing of the Iranian people and to punish the regime leaders for committing crimes against humanity. This case should be evaluated very urgently.”

members of the Youth association in Netherlands supporters of the MEK

Following the ceremony of commemorating the 40th day of the martyrs of the Iran protests by MEK supporters in Hague, representatives of the women associations and young supporters of the Iranian resistance in Netherlands expressed their persistence until the fall of the regime.

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