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Iranian women and martyrs celebrated on International Women’s Day

Iranian women and martyrs celebrated on International Women’s Day

To mark the occasion of International Women’s Day, Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) held a gathering in Stockholm, Sweden.

Political figures, equality and women’s rights defenders and a number of other personalities participated in the gathering in which the female martyrs of Iran were remembered.

The President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Mrs Maryam Rajavi addressed the conference via video message. She said: “On behalf of the Iranian people and Resistance, and in the name of my martyred and captive sisters, I declare 2020 International Women’s Day as the Day of Women Martyred in the Iranian Uprising in November 2019.”

Mrs Rajavi also spoke about the role of women in Iran over the past four years, paying tribute to their courage in taking the risk to be part of the Resistance movement. Over the past four years, women in Iran have not shied away from the struggle and the role of the PMOI / MEK female members has advanced the movement tremendously.

Many female members of the PMOI / MEK have lost their lives at the hands of the Iranian regime and they continue to make sure that their voices, and the voices of those that the regime is trying to silence, are heard loud and clear. In this respect, the many Resistance Units that are active across the country are being led by women.

Mrs. Rajavi sent a video message to the conference in Sweden, on the eve of the International Women’s Day

Mrs Rajavi said: “And today, in the ranks of Resistance Units and in the frontlines of the uprisings, courageous women of Iran are commanding the struggle to overthrow the mullahs’ misogynous tyranny. Indeed, what better and clearer testament than such profound sense of responsibility and impact is needed to confirm the qualifications and competence of Iranian women.”

The Iranian regime is well aware that the women of Iran are not to be underestimated. Officials have explicitly stated that women are considered a major threat and they have not shied away from the front lines of anti-government protests.

MEK and NCRI supporters holding banners in solidarity with the Iran protests

The women of Iran are denied even more rights and freedoms than their male counterparts and are treated by authorities as second-class citizens. Women have an equal role within the Resistance movement – both in the NCRI and in the PMOI / MEK. Indeed, they occupy some of the most senior roles within the organisations.

At the conference, participants paid tribute to some of the many Iranian women that have lost their lives during the nationwide protests. They held pictures and remembered the thousands of Iranians that have died or been severely injured because of the regime’s violent and brutal response to the demonstrations that have been taking place all over the country.

The regime is highly conscious of the fact that all it is going to take is one spark to turn a protest or anti-government demonstration into another nationwide uprising, hence the extremely forceful response to the men and women in the streets.

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Iranian women and martyrs celebrated on International Women’s Day