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MEK supporters in Belgium rally in solidarity with Iran protests, coronavirus victims

MEK supporters in Belgium rally in solidarity with Iran protests, coronavirus victims

Supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and members of the Iranian diaspora in Brussels, Belgium held a protest gathering on the eve of the International Women’s Day in Schumann square showing their ongoing support of the Iranian people and the Iran protests. The MEK supporters in Belgium also expressed solidarity with the victims of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran, which has surpassed 3,000 as of Tuesday night. The participants praised the Iranian women’s ongoing struggle for freedom and equality and their resistance against the misogynist mullahs regime.

The MEK supporters in Belgium also paid tribute to over 1500 martyrs of the Iran protests in Iran.

The participants of this rally also condemned the Iranian regime’s criminal cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in Iran and its downplaying of the crisis.

The MEK announced on Tuesday evening that the number of Coronavirus fatalities in 139 cities in 31 provinces has exceeded 3,000. One after the other, the clerical regime is reluctantly declaring, albeit belatedly, the state of emergency in provinces and cities.

The MEK supporters in Belgium condemned regime’s inaction and its cover-up of the coronavirus outbreak in the city of Qom and denying the existence of deadly COVID-19. The Iranian regime particularly its supreme leader, Ali Khamenei turned the city of Qom into a killing field because he wanted to ensure a high turnout in the February 11 revolution anniversary and the February 21 sham election. The number of fatalities in the city has now surpassed 500, with bodies being stored in morgues. Nevertheless, the regime operatives continue to threaten and intimidate the public.

In this regard Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI),said: “The oppressed people of Qom are now enduring a multifaceted calamity and pressure. While no government official even dares to visit the city, and clerics have escaped from Qom, dignified physicians, nurses and medical staff in the city are working under dire conditions. Patients and hospitals are denied minimum provisions. And now they must tolerate the insults, innuendos, threats, and arrests by the mullahs’ regime.”

Representative of the Iranian associations also attended the rally held by the MEK supporters in Belgium. They condemned regime’s secrecy over the coronavirus outbreak, which has turned Iran to a killing zone for Iranian citizens and an epicenter of the coronavirus. These speakers were M. Mehdi Nobari, from the Iranian Refugees’ Association in Belgium; and Ms. Shahala Defai, from the Iranian Women’s Association in Belgium.

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MEK supporters in Belgium rally in solidarity with Iran protests, coronavirus victims