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online conference over coronavirus crisis in Iran

European lawmakers along with members from the Iranian communities from over 1000 locations in Europe and Canada joined the 6th online conference over the coronavirus crisis in Iran and the regime’s fear of a popular uprising. According to the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), over 31,700 people have so far lost their lives due to the coronavirus outbreak in Iran.  

Representatives of the Iranian communities in Canada, Germany, and the UK were also among the speakers of the event.  

Vida Nicktalan, from the Iranian community in Germany, told the 6th online conference over coronavirus crisis in Iran: In these difficult days we support the Iranian resistance and our compatriots inside Iran. We understand your pain and suffering which has multiplied. We’re constantly follow news and our hearts ache when we hear the suppression of mullah. 

Vahideh Khuramroudi, member of the Iranian-Canadian community in Canada, also told the 6th online conference over coronavirus crisis in Iran: We know regime gives false figures and spends billions of dollars for other use that its People. It does not use resources for the nation but on suppression guards and proxies.” 

Amon the key speakers of this event was honorable David Jones, Member of Parliament for Clwyd West since 2005 and the United Kingdoms’ Secretary of State for Wales from 2012 to 2014. 

“The whole world is affected by the corona-pandemic right now. All the governments in the world have put forward some regulations and measures in order to prevent the virus from spreading, treating the infected people and ensuring their populations that they do whatever they can to save lives. However, there is a single regime that does not care at all about its people and that is the Iranian regime,” he said.  

“They are trying to use this catastrophe, which is a direct result of their incompetence and cruelty, as an excuse to dismantle the sanctions. The Iranian regime’s chief apologist, Javad Zarif, says that because of sanctions, Iranian medical staffs cannot treat the patients and they cannot protect themselves. However, the regime officials, including the health minister, have said in several occasions that they do not need any equipment to fight against corona virus. Meanwhile, the regime also expels the Doctors without borders organization who wanted to setup a temporary hospital in Isfahan,” Mr. Jones added, referring to the regime’s intention of using the coronavirus as a lever of oppression.  

He concluded by saying: “We must support the Iranian people’s desire for overthrowing this wicked regime and establishing a free and democratic country. Only then Iran and the whole world will be a better place.” 

“Once again, during the corona virus crisis, the people of Iran must pay the price for the regime’s incompetence and inadequacy by their lives. Once again, the regime showed that they do not care about the Iranian people at all,” said Sir Alan Meale, a former member of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe from the UK.   

Bob Blackman, Member of the UK House of Commons, also addressed the  6th online conference over the coronavirus pandemic. He said: “The Iranian regime has been well known for duping everyone and its purpose is to maintain power at all costs.”  

“An open letter with this context was sent by the British Committee for Iran Freedom to the UN Secretary General signed my good colleague, Professor the Lord Alton of Liverpool, Independent Crossbench Member of the House of Lords, myself and 50 other members of the British Parliament,” he added, referring to the recent effort made by the British Committee for Iran Freedom.  

Otto Bernhardt a former member of the German Federal and the President of Solidarity Committee for Free Iran, was among the speakers 6th online conference.  “I speak to you on behalf of and as Chairman of the German Solidarity Committee for Free Iran, and I am very much looking forward to it. At the beginning I have to say that I have wanted to visit Ashraf 3 several times in the past few months. After the corona pandemic, I will definitely do so,” he said.  

Thomas Nord, a renowned German politician, also elaborated on the coronavirus pandemic in Iran.  While referring to the restive Iranian society, Mr. Nord said: “A society that becomes aware of its power becomes very dangerous for the dictatorship. So, the coronavirus pandemic can be the doom for mullahs. In this situation, the Iranian Resistance is the best friend of the people in difficult times. In this situation, one should welcome the Iranian Resistance, whose heart beats in Ashraf 3.”  

Toby Perkins, Member of the UK House of Commons, was also among the speakers of the 6th online conference over the coronavirus outbreak in Iran. He told the audience: “Covid-19 has caused enormous fatalities and economically has put people under massive pressure everywhere but in Iran the situation is shockingly worse because there is an unusually tyrannical and corrupt regime in power.”  

Martin Patzelt, Member of Germany’s Federal Parliament, was the next speaker of the 6th online conference over coronavirus outbreak. He said: “The European Union and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the Secretary General of the United Nations and the relevant international bodies must pressure the Iranian regime to release or quarantine all prisoners because the corona is widespread in prisons. This is a matter of serious international concern and we have to be the voice of these prisoners.” 

“Indeed, the Iranian people are fighting on two fronts for the right to life: against the coronavirus and against the misanthropic mullahs. The mullahs’ balance sheet is summarized in obfuscation, inaction, corruption and oppression. Coronavirus and the Mullahs are on a common front against Iranian citizens. The mullahs have to go along with the COVID-19,” he added.   

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online conference over coronavirus crisis in Iran