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Leo Dautzenberg Condemns Iran Regime’s Use of the Death Penalty – October 8, 2020

Leo Dautzenberg, former member of the German Bundestag, addressed an online event in Germany on October 8, 2020, to draw attention to the human rights abuses in Iran.

Leo Dautzenberg, former member of the German Bundestag, addressed an online event in Germany on October 8, 2020, to draw attention to the human rights abuses in Iran.

Leo Dautzenberg, former member of the German Bundestag, addressed an online event in Germany on October 8, 2020, to draw attention to the human rights abuses in Iran.

Gathering in Berlin on the World Day Against the Death Penalty. The Online Conference Marking World Day Against the Death Penalty.
Dozens of German MPs and dignitaries joined an online conference.

The conference was under the title, Iran: Executions Means of Keeping Power, Stop Massacre of Protesters, The European Duty.

The event was hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), in which participants strongly condemned the mullahs’ increase in human rights violations.

The event was attended by cross-party Members of Germany’s Bundestag (parliament) and European dignitaries.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI), was the keynote speaker at this conference.

The panelists urged the European Union to end its policy of appeasement toward the regime and support the Iranian people’s desire for a free and democratic country.

The supporters of the NCRI and the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI / MEK) also gathered in front of the “Reichstag” building in Berlin at the same time to protest against the recent executions in Iran, demanding the EU stand with the Iranian people and their Resistance in the struggle for freedom and to end the policy of appeasement toward the ruling regime in Iran.

Leo Dautzenberg, former member of the German Bundestag

The dictatorship of the mullahs in Iran can be summed up in murder and lies. The sooner the regime is removed, the sooner the people of Iran will achieve freedom. Iran has the second-highest misery ranking in the world.

Shocking videos show how agents of the regime are torturing activists in public. Obviously, if they are not afraid of doing this in public, they are also committing these crimes in prisons. We want to be the voice of the people of Iran. We want to be the voice of Mostafa Salehi, the father of two kids who was executed for taking part in protests. Others were sentenced to death for taking part in the 2019 protests.

We want to be the voice of elite students who are being tortured in prisons right now. We want to be the voice of other political prisoners, 12,000 who have been arrested in protests in the past years. They are the symbol of freedom and show how powerless the regime of Iran is.

These horrible violations of human rights are horrible and all countries must protest. They must demand access to prisons and visit the prisoners of the November 2019 protests

Those who try to pretend there is no alternative to Iran are liars. There is a solution: It is you, the people here. You are a solution for the future of Iran and I support you.

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