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Radka Maxová MEP Calls Out Iran’s Human Rights Abuses in Webinar on October 7, 2020

Radka Maxová, MEP from the Czech Republic, addressed a webinar by European lawmakers on October 7, 2020, on the human rights situation in Iran.

Radka Maxová: We saw it in the protests last year, where 1,500 protesters were killed last November, including 400 women. Many protesters were arrested and are right now in terrible conditions in prison.

Radka Maxová, MEP from the Czech Republic, addressed a webinar by European lawmakers on October 7, 2020, on the human rights situation in Iran.

Online Conference held under title, “Iran’s Ongoing Crimes Against Humanity, EU’s political and moral obligations”. The online event was on October 7, 2020. Dozens of members of the European Parliament attended and spoke at the conference.

MEPs made their remarks in order to condemn the horrific human rights violations witnessed on a daily basis across Iran. In addition, MEPs called on the European Union to fulfill its moral and political obligations in the face of human rights violations in Iran. They called for a firm policy by the European Union against the mullah regime in Iran. Also, they pointed out, It is high time to stand alongside the Iranian people and support their justified aspirations for a free, democratic, and non-nuclear Iran.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI), was the keynote speaker at this conference. Her message welcomed as a democratic solution to Iran’s future. Mrs. Rajavi’s ten-point plan has widespread support from the majority of MEPs for a long time.

Radka Maxová, MEP from the Czech Republic

The human rights situation in Iran is very worrying and what is worse is that the violence is ongoing. Women are the first targets of this regime despite the persistence attack on their fundamental rights. Iran women keep courageously fighting the regime.

We saw it in the protests last year, where 1,500 protesters were killed last November, including 400 women. Many protesters were arrested and are right now in terrible conditions in prison.

We have debated on many occasions in the European Parliament the need to end violence and suppression in Iran.

Now, with the news coming from Iran, of all the execution and the death sentences, serious action is needed. The Iranian regime cannot continue to violate the human rights of its own Iranian people. The EU should strongly oppose the autocratic government that violates fundamental rights of its citizens and should use its political and economic powers to help the opposition.

I would like to thank all of you, especially Ms. Rajavi, for your tireless efforts for a democratic and free Iran. We stand with you and the Iranian people in your aspiration for democracy, and we hope that four decades of suffering will end very soon. Thank you.

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