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Sir Alan Meale Addresses Online Event on Iran Regime’s Terrorist Threats

Sir Alan Meale, former UK MP, addressed an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

Sir Alan Meale, former UK MP, addressed an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

Sir Alan Meale, former UK MP, addressed an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

The event, hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Members of Parliament of the U.K. and Irish politicians joined the online conference. Also, many Iranians supporters of the MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)from various countries participated in the event. They focused on the fact that the Iran’s regime is a critical threat to global security, which is especially true considering the mullahs’ terror plots in Europe.

The event came in the wake of new threats by the regime’s incarcerated diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi. Assadi, who arrested following the regime’s foiled bomb plot against the NCRI’s “Free Iran” gathering in 2018 in Paris, threatened Belgian authorities with attacks by the mullahs’ proxy groups if he is found guilty.

The foiled bomb plot in 2018 and Assadi’s threats once again underline the need for European countries to take firm action against the mullahs’ regime.

Sir Alan Meale in the Iranian opposition NCRI online conference—October 15, 2020

Can I first of all say that it’s an honor to be asked about this what I determine is a very important prestigious conference discussing the whole area of terrorism. Now, can I first of all say that I want to pay tribute to the staff for the PMOI, who work tirelessly in this country and abroad to try and bring freedom in their country? I think it’s their credit at conferences like this actually go ahead with many prestigious people participating is an important Congress. Yes, of course it is. I recall that on many occasions, and its popular protest against the despotic regime in Iran that what happens is you get a very negative response from the regime over there. I find it incredible in the free world that our countries tend to participate with governments like this, who pay no regard whatsoever to dialogue, but rather the fear and terrorism on their doorstep with their own people. 

I recall a few years ago, I think it was in 2009, when an important event took place, and instead of dialogue, we had then the government of Iran ordering the Motrin and rockets being fired against innocent civilians, in particular, many of those in Camp Ashraf, Now, unfortunately, response to that despicably I should say, the international community, once again, turned a blind eye to these acts of terrorism themselves. What’s more, they actually readily acquiesced to the regime because of their own self-interest. And needless to say, and thankfully, many governments have moved away from that kind of action. But nevertheless, there are many still doing. 

I’m pleased to say that this sense of force for the regime in Iran hasn’t worked at all. It’s fairly particular the defense that the dissent that’s taking place in that country against the regime, for instance, that the best way to show that is to look at what is happening in Iran recently in including today. There are, on average, 12 strikes a day in Iran, protest dissidents coming out in the streets in every major town and city, throw it around. It just proves one thing, that the Iranian regime are not winning the quest for the hearts and minds of the public. 

So, ladies and gentlemen, we hear that well, the regime continues the rule of terror. Now, I just recall last November, at least 1,500 protesters were killed, and thousands of others were actually tortured, receive death sentence or sacked from their jobs, and displaced from their families and communities. Not so long ago, the regime ordered one of its own diplomats to participate in attempted bombing of the annual gathering of the opposition Iranians in Paris. Indeed, I think I was there on this occasion. Now, this is a scandal on precedent in the free world and it serves to say to every country in the world who lives in a democratic area that you should have nothing whatsoever to do with this regime. 

Now, I myself have participated in many meetings up down the country and abroad in support of the regional fight back and as I say, I’ve paid tribute, all the people who participate in that. Their work is magnificent because it reminds every one of us in the free world the fight that they’ve put up and I continue to put up, and it’s a fight which this complicity is reflected in. I agree with the aims of the conference, the highlight and the enlightened of the resistance to the regime and to fight for freedom. And I have no hesitation whatsoever in calling all governments in the free world to do whatever they can, whatever is necessary to support opposition to the current regime, and in particular, the support Madame Rajavi

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