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Abolghassem Rezai Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe – October 22, 2020

Abolghassem Rezai, senior NCRI member addressed a webinar on October 22, 2020, over the Iranian regime’s terrorism in Europe.

Abolghassem Rezai, senior NCRI member addressed a webinar on October 22, 2020, over the Iranian regime’s terrorism in Europe.


Abolghassem Rezai, senior NCRI member addressed a webinar on October 22, 2020, over the Iranian regime’s terrorism in Europe.

Also, a group of European and US personalities, lawyers and experts joined the online event hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on October 22. They condemned the Mullahs’ regime’s terrorism campaign in the Europe and called on the EU to pursue a firm policy against the Iran’s regime.

Participants condemned the regime’s support for terrorism around the world and called on the EU to end the appeasement policy under the pretext of engagement with the mullahs. It is time to make it clear to the mullahs’ regime that their support for terrorism in Europe soil and across the world will not be tolerated.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI), was the keynote speaker at this event. Her message welcomed as a democratic solution to Iran’s future.

Abolghassem Rezai, senior NCRI member

Abolghassem Rezai Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe - October 22, 2020

As one of the lawyers said, this is the most important terrorism case of the 21st century. Because the regime is on the verge of overthrow, they need these acts of terror. They first attempted this attack in Albania, and then they took their crimes to France.

Demonization and terrorism are two sides of the same coin for the regime. In this specific case, the MOIS wanted to pursue both plans at the same time. While they were trying to carry out this terror attack, two known agents of the regime were busy interviewing and spreading false news against the MEK.

In this case, the regime tried to lay the blame for the attack on the Iranian opposition.

European states must define their relationship with the regime based on its terrorist nature, not the appeasement policy.

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