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Hossein Abedini Addresses Online Event on Iran Regime’s Terrorist Threats

Hossein Abedini, member of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee, addressed an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

Hossein Abedini, member of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee, addressed an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

Hossein Abedini, member of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee, addressed an online event on October 15, 2020, on the Iranian regime’s terrorism and how it undermines global security.

The event, hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). Members of Parliament of the U.K. and Irish politicians joined the online conference. Also, many Iranians supporters of the MEK and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)from various countries participated in the event. They focused on the fact that the Iran’s regime is a critical threat to global security, which is especially true considering the mullahs’ terror plots in Europe.

The event came in the wake of new threats by the regime’s incarcerated diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi. Assadi, who arrested following the regime’s foiled bomb plot against the NCRI’s “Free Iran” gathering in 2018 in Paris, threatened Belgian authorities with attacks by the mullahs’ proxy groups if he is found guilty.

The foiled bomb plot in 2018 and Assadi’s threats once again underline the need for European countries to take firm action against the mullahs’ regime.

Hossein Abedini, member of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee, in the Iranian opposition NCRI online conference—October 15, 2020

I am a survivor of one of many terrorist attacks of the regime. I narrowly escaped death when my car was ambushed by so-called Iranian diplomats—terrorists—in Turkey. My liver and lungs were badly damaged in the attack after I was shot, and I have undergone many surgeries since then.

Forty days after I was attacked, Professor Kazem Rajavi was assassinated by regime diplomats in Geneva. The regime also assassinated NCRI representative Mohammad Hossein Naghdi in Italy a few years later. 

The regime is desperately trying to prevent justice through blackmail and threats. 

In May 2019 the NCRI exposed documents that showed how the regime uses its embassies to spread terror. The NCRI expects the UK and other European governments to respond firmly to the regime’s terror threat.The IRGC is a central force of the regime’s repression in Iran and terrorism abroad.

The IRGC only reports to the supreme leader Ali Khamenei and its mission is to keep him in power. The NCRI has launched a campaign to disband the IRGC and its funds allocated to the coronavirus response. The international community must support this campaign by designating the IRGC as a terrorist entity and supporting the people of Iran.

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