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Mohammad Mohaddessin Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe – October 22, 2020

Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee addressed a webinar on October 22, 2020, over the Iranian regime’s terrorism in Europe.

Also, a group of European and US personalities, lawyers and experts joined the online event hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on October 22. They condemned the Mullahs’ regime’s terrorism campaign in the Europe and called on the EU to pursue a firm policy against the Iran’s regime.

Participants condemned the regime’s support for terrorism around the world and called on the EU to end the appeasement policy under the pretext of engagement with the mullahs. It is time to make it clear to the mullahs’ regime that their support for terrorism in Europe soil and across the world will not be tolerated.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI), was the keynote speaker at this event. Her message welcomed as a democratic solution to Iran’s future.

Mohammad Mohaddessin, Chair of the NCRI Foreign Affairs Committee

This was a decision by the entire government, the entire regime. The main reason for this plot, according to documents we submitted to the judicial system, was the MEK’s role in protests and uprisings inside Iran.

In December 2017-January 2018, there was a very extensive uprising across Iran. After the uprising, Khamenei and other officials pointed to the MEK as the main source of this uprising and promised to take revenge. First, they plotted a bombing attack in Albania in a celebration that included Madam Rajavi and foreign dignitaries.

When this plot failed, they initiated plan B in Villepinte, Paris. The main target in the second plot was also Mrs. Rajavi. The Iranian regime was targeting Madam Rajavi, because its main plan to neutralize the uprisings was to attack the main opposition. 

The plan the regime had in Villepinte was an extensive crime against humanity. It was not an ordinary operation. They wanted to conduct a mass killing. At this moment, the reaction of the European Union is very important. While I appreciate the activities of security services in Belgium and other countries, I must reiterate that political decision makers in the EU should have an appropriate reaction to this major crime.

This is a historical test or challenge for the EU, whether they want to stand on their democratic standards or alongside a terrorist regime. This regime will fall. 

We call for the embassies of this regime to be closed. All agents of the regime must be expelled from European countries.

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Mohammad Mohaddessin Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe – October 22, 2020