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Robert Torricelli Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe – October 22, 2020

Robert Torricelli, former U.S. senator addressed a webinar on October 22, 2020, over the Iranian regime’s terrorism in Europe.

Also, a group of European and US personalities, lawyers and experts joined the online event hosted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) on October 22. They condemned the Mullahs’ regime’s terrorism campaign in the Europe and called on the EU to pursue a firm policy against the Iran’s regime.

Participants condemned the regime’s support for terrorism around the world and called on the EU to end the appeasement policy under the pretext of engagement with the mullahs. It is time to make it clear to the mullahs’ regime that their support for terrorism in Europe soil and across the world will not be tolerated.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI), was the keynote speaker at this event. Her message welcomed as a democratic solution to Iran’s future.

Robert Torricelli, former U.S. senator

Thank you very much for the opportunity. And let me first congratulate Mrs. Ravaji on her incredible courage of remaining steadfast in the face of what was an attack upon potentially all of us, but in particular, on her and her own life. I also want to praise the police work of the governments of Germany, Belgium, and France, and their judicial systems. It was, in the first instance, an incredibly impressive piece of intelligence and police work, but also the steadfastness of those governments in proceeding with this case in the face of what must be enormous international diplomatic pressure is impressive, and it should be noted by all of us. 

I do, however, having complimented each of these governments would like to point out an extraordinary irony, perhaps, to the annoyance of some of our guests and viewers. But it needs to be noted that while a trial is proceeding, on a case in which diplomats accredited by host countries were engaged in potentially alleged terrorist activities. Simultaneously, some of these same governments are arguing an international forum that arms sales should be allowed to Tehran and diplomat show up for work every day all across Europe representing the same government that use the same diplomatic channels, in some cases, the same embassies for a terrorist attack on European citizens themselves, but it should at least be noted. 

I think we also all recognize, particularly those of us who spend our lives in the law that while all defendants are equal, all crimes are not. There is the crime against the individual here in an attempt that would have killed potentially hundreds of people. And then there are crimes against the society itself. Its structure, the foundations of principles, by which it governs itself. That is this case. A bomb potentially in the heart of Paris that would have taken some of our very lives is one thing.

But the choice of Paris, which to many of us is the symbol of liberty itself, in the nation, perhaps most identified with the creation of Republican forms of government was not by chain. This was an attack not simply on us as individuals, but on European democracy, Western values, the things that we hold dear. And if in fact, the response of the various European nations is simply to jail these individuals. Well, that will serve justice, but it hardly rises on all European countries and your liberties. 

I am impressed that the case has gone this far and been so skillfully handled. But in fact, it is yet to be determined whether we fully meet the challenge. Because let’s be frank, if you sit in Tehran today, well, they did not take our lives, they did not have the mass murder they contemplated. On balance, so far, the attack was a success. There was an element of intimidation to be certain, they’ve paid no price, but a few operatives potentially being jailed, no one in the regime who ordered these attacks has been indicted, no consulates have been closed, no diplomats have been sent home. 

Let me contrast this for reference with how Albania handled this with a terrorist act on its soil … and while the relationship continued, they clearly are different. Albania took note of what was going to happen on soil and while I would prefer those relations have been broken, they are clearly in a state of different relations. Now, that is not to say the various European countries have not taken some actions.

But if you’re sitting in Tehran, you launched the attack, it was a statement, it was an act of intimidation, and what’s the price? I am not discounting the actions of our lawyers that I admire greatly in bringing the case, bringing a civil case, I’m so grateful you’re doing so, proud to be a plaintiff in it, but I hope that your courage, your skill, your actions are matched by your governments. 

I say only this with admiration for the governments involved. There are a few nations I admire more than France or Germany, or Belgium, but the burden is now on all of us. If we genuinely are going to send the message to Tehran, generally assure that no one else would be victim to this kind of state sponsored terrorism. The burden is on all of us. We can have the trial. We can get verdicts, criminal and civil. But then, thank you. 

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Robert Torricelli Addresses Webinar on Iran Regime’s Terrorism in Europe – October 22, 2020