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Hoda Imad: We share your dreams and we stand with you for democracy

Hoda Imad: We in AUF share your dreams and we stand with you in your fight for democracy.

Hoda Imad: We in AUF share your dreams and we stand with you in your fight for democracy.

Hoda Imad, the leader of the Norwegian Labor Youth (AUF), virtually attended an online conference, marking the first anniversary of the November 2019 uprising. The event hosted by the Iranian opposition National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) homaged the Iranian people’s sacrifices for a free and democratic Iran.

Hundreds of thousands of outrage protesters came into the streets, showing their complaint against the sudden rise of gasoline prices. However, the regime’s security forces responded to defenseless demonstrators with live ammunition, killing at least 1,500 protesters.

During a few days, the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and other oppressive forces did whatever they could to stifle protests, according to the supreme leader Ali Khamenei‘s decree. They arbitrarily detained over 12,000 demonstrators, targeted protesters, and bystanders by heavy machineguns, snipers, and helicopters. However, they merely fueled the people’s wrath against the entire regime.

In her remarks at the NCRI virtual event, Hoda Imad expressed her solidarity with the Iranian people’s desire.

“My name is Hoda Imad and I am the international leader in AUF, the Norwegian labor youth. I’m glad to be able to join you at your conference to commemorate the November 2019 uprising of the Iranian people,” Hoda Imad began her remarks.

“In AUF we always support our comrades throughout the world in your dreams for justice for freedom and for human rights and that is what’s important with this conference and in your fight for democracy in Iran.

“The Iranian people don’t demand gold or oil or diamonds. Your demand is basic human rights as to express yourselves without fearing persecution and that should not be too much to ask for that should not be controversial and that should not be the reason why thousands and thousands of youth are sitting in jails without knowing if they will survive or not the next day,” AUF leader said.

“The Democratic uprising is to show the regime and the world that the Iranian people will not accept to live in fear anymore and now you have raised your voice and now it’s time for all of us other to raise our voice with you in solidarity because as we say in AUF nobody is free until everybody is free.

“Illegitimate regimes and dictatorships will never win at last they will hold at the power when the world is not watching and only when the world is not watching but the world has to watch and especially after this conference. Because the demands and the dreams for freedom for justice and for democracy of the people in Iran will always win we in AUF share your dreams and we stand with you in your fight for democracy. Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to speak and good luck with the rest of your important conference,” Hoda Imad ended.

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