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Society of Iranian Women for Democracy Holds Online Conference, Protesting Iran’s Misogynous Government

The California-based Society of Iranian Women for Democracy held an online even to expose the clerical regime’s repressive laws and practices against Iranian women. The conference “Unity to End Violence Against Women,” was attended by several US political and academic figures and members of the US Congress, as well as a number of California officials. Some of the participants were:

Congresswoman Judy Chu, Congresswoman Nanette Barragán, Congressman Scott Peters, and Congressman Jimmy Panetta. Other participants were: Senator Pat Bates of the California Senate, Cristina Garcia, representative of the California State Congress, Dr. Steven Choi California State representative, Adrin Nazarian California State representative, Lindsey Horvath West Hollywood Mayor, John Lee, Los Angeles City Councilman Professor Kyndra Rotunda a Professor of Military & International Law at Chapman University and Professor Hassana Alidou, former Niger Ambassador to the United States and Canada.

Several Iranian women, including the president of Society of Iranian Women for Democracy, human rights and women’s rights activists, and university professors, also took part in the online gathering, exposing the crimes of the clerical regime, especially against women.

US Congresswoman Judy Chu of the Democratic Party underlined that Repressive regimes like the Iranian regime use anti-feminism to hold women back from achieving their potential. She said that the clerical regime does not represent the Iranian people. The US government must always condemn the brutal repression of the mullahs and support peaceful and democratic demands in Iran. Congresswoman Chu also appreciated the activities of women supporters of the Iranian resistance to promote human rights and for a freer Iranian.

US Congressman Jimmy Panetta also admired the Iranian women’s r extraordinary leadership in empowering women and girls around the world and their hope to end the misogyny and violence that many women and girls face. Congressman Panetta underlined the need to address the issue of violence and systematic justice against women, not only in central California, but also in countries like Iran, where violence is rooted in misogyny and constantly oppresses women and girls. He highlighted that for decades, the women who have led the women’s struggle and the people’s struggle for freedom and democracy have continued to do so, at great cost and sacrifice. Their leadership was a burning torch in the national uprisings of 2018 and 2019 in Iran. Unfortunately, they faced constant violence from the Iranian regime.

He said that repressive regimes like the one in Iran and all over the world use violence against women to stay in power. They try stifle the empowerment of women and to stop opposing the ruling system. Congressman Panetta underlined that it is up to the United States to make it clear to the international community that this systematic violence against women should not and cannot continue.

US Congressman Scott Peters was another speaker at the gathering, condemning the Iranian regime’s violation of women’s rights.  He underlined that women living under dictatorial regimes such as those currently ruling Iran are constantly at risk of abuse and torture. He added that the Iranian regime has repeatedly used various tactics to prevent them from pursuing their demands for democracy and human rights.

Nanette Barragán, a member of the US Congress said, she is glad to be the legal representative in the House of Representatives, a body which condemns the Iranian regime’s state terrorism and supports the Iranian people’s desire for a democratic, secular and non-nuclear Iran.

Emphasizing the role of Iranian women in the fight against the clerical regime, West Hollywood Mayor Lindsey Horvath said Maryam Rajavi‘s leadership is known in the world, and it is important that Iran’s resistance activities are led by a woman, and this shows that the organization aims to strengthen women’s power. She also highlighted that it is the defense of their rights, and it will undoubtedly achieve this goal.

Senator Pat Bates, a member of the California Senate, saluted Iranian women working for a free and democratic Iran. He expressed his support of the Iranian people in their struggle for democracy, adding that a democratic and peaceful Iran will protect the rights of women and girls.

Professor Hassana Alidou, the former ambassador of Niger to the United States and Canada in 2015-2019, referred to the grave violations of women’s rights. She said that the world needs to be aware of the issues facing Iranian women. She underlined that the world must also know about the solidarity and unity of the forces that stand against these problems. Likewise, she referred to his meeting with the opposition president Maryam Rajavi in year 2001 and called it an important experience in her life.

She added that no human being should be discriminated against or discriminated against because of his or her gender, race, culture, religion, economic or social status, or physical disability.

Professor Kyndra Rotunda, a law professor saluted the brave men and women who stand up for the rights of individuals and freedom and who stand up in the worst areas of extreme oppression in the world.

She said the Iranian regime has put a lot of pressure on freedom fighters, especially in the last two years, and sentenced them to prison, heavy fines, and trials without a lawyer. He also paid tribute to those heroes who risked their lives to build a better future for others.

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Society of Iranian Women for Democracy Holds Online Conference, Protesting Iran’s Misogynous Government