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Paulo Casaca Speaks After Conviction of Iran Regime’s Diplomat-Terrorist by Belgian Court

Paulo Casaca, former Member of the European Parliament addressed an online global conference on the conviction of Iran's diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi by a Belgian court for attempting to bomb the 2018 Free Iran gathering in Paris.

Paulo Casaca, former Member of the European Parliament

Paulo Casaca, former Member of the European Parliament addressed an online global conference on the conviction of Iran’s diplomat-terrorist Assadollah Assadi by a Belgian court for attempting to bomb the 2018 Free Iran gathering in Paris.

On February 4, 2021, simultaneous with the court ruling against the Iranian regime’s diplomat-terrorist, Assadollah Assadi, and his accomplices in Antwerp, Belgium, a global online conference was held, where Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), and dozens of prominent figures from various European countries, the United States and Canada, joined thousands of Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK/PMOI) members based in Ashraf-3 (Albania) as well as the supporters of the Iranian Resistance worldwide.

The Belgian court rejected Assadollah Assadi’s claim of diplomatic immunity and sentenced him to 20 years in prison. The three intelligence agents, Nasimeh Naami, Mehrdad Arefani, and Amir Saadouni, were sentenced to 18, 17, and 15 years in prison, respectively. Their Belgian citizenships was also revoked.

Paulo Casaca, former Member of the European Parliament

Dear Madam President, dear friends in Ashraf, all the Iranian community, all friends of freedom, many congratulations.

The judicial authorities in Antwerp made history. After 41 years, a European court has finally condemned the Islamic Republic of Iran for terrorism. It was certainly a long time, a far too long time, during which the theocracy not only enjoyed impunity, but also and much worse managed to lead Western institutions to persecute the victims of terror activities, as if they were culprits.

It is a moment for every freedom and peace loving person to celebrate. It’s also a moment to strengthen our efforts and seek justice for the countless victims of the mullah regime. Zarif, the head of the Iranian foreign defense and … superior of the convicted terrorists recognized his own responsibility when he acknowledged that the terrorists acted within the framework of his own diplomatic instructions.

After this decision by the Antwerp court, the claim of diplomatic immunity was transformed into an unequivocal confession of terrorists masterminding.

How can the European diplomacy pretend it is facing anything else than the representatives of a terrorist state? How can the European diplomacy insist on a deal with a clerical gang which has repeatedly shown it respects no international convention and is ready to commit murder on European soil?

According to the Vienna conventions, diplomatic statutes cannot be used for terrorist activities.

Therefore, European institutions must reevaluate all credentials accepted from representatives of the theocracy, limiting their capacity to further sponsor extremism and violence in Europe.

It is high time for European leaders to acknowledge that they are facing a state that utterly disregards human rights and legal international obligations. It is time to demand full investigations and prosecutions of those high in the clerical states … responsible for crimes against humanity.

It is time to fully support the plight by the Iranian people to live in peace, freedom, and democracy in a state respecting the rules of human dignity. Thank you very much.

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