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Commemoration of the Epic of February 8, 1982, by Iranians, MEK Supporters in Different Countries

On the anniversary of this unforgettable epic of the Iranian Resistance, freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the Mojahedin, held rallies in the various cities include, Paris, Oslo, Malmö, Sydney, Melbourne, and Bucharest.
On the anniversary of this unforgettable epic of the Iranian Resistance, freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the Mojahedin, held rallies in the various cities include, Paris, Oslo, Malmö, Sydney, Melbourne, and Bucharest.

On February 8, 1982, Khomeini’s Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) surrounded and destroyed the MEK headquarters and killed some of the most prominent leading members of the People’s Mojaheding Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).
Khomeini –then the mullahs’ regime supreme leader– thought that by dealing such a heavy blow to the MEK, he could put up a show of force, demoralize the staunch supporters of the movement and break their Resistance in prisons and outside.

It was an unequal battle between thousands of heavily armed guards vs. 20 freedom fighters. Khomeini mercenaries thought victory was inevitable. However, the champions of freedom and the shining stars and heroines of the Iranian Resistance did not surrender. They fought to the last breath, creating an epical scene that further strengthened the Resistance.
At the head of these heroes was the symbol of the women Mojahedin, Ashraf Rajavi, and the great Mojahed and commander of freedom fighters, Mousa Khiabani.

Mousa Khiabani and Ashraf Rajavi

On the anniversary of this unforgettable epic of the Iranian Resistance, freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the Mojahedin, held rallies in the various cities include, Paris, Oslo, Malmö, Sydney, Melbourne, and Bucharest.

They honored the memory of these heroes and their sacrifices and emphasized their continuation in the struggle against the dictatorship of the mullahs in Iran until the realization of freedom and the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime.
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