Iran Freedom

Canada: Freedom-Loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Rallies in Ottawa and Toronto, Demanding the Trial of the Mullahs’ Regime Leaders Ruling Iran

May 7, 2022, Canada: supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), demonstrated in Ottawa and Toronto, against the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran.

Iranian resistance supporters chanted slogans, include:

“The first word, the last word, is the overthrow of the mullahs’ regime”.

“Rajavi Yes! Mullahs No! They(the mullahs’ regime) are terrorists, they must go!”

“Change, change, change, Regime change in Iran!”

“Death on the principle of Velayat-e-Faqih (Absolute religious tyranny), Long live NLA(National Liberation Armyh)”

“Raisi, Raisi, you are the murderer of the 1988 massacre!”

Also, in Toronto and Ottawa, Iranians, MEK supporters at their rallies demanded the trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders, Ali Khamenei, and mass murderer Ebrahim Raisi.
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