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Giulio Terzi’s Remarks to the International Conference, Call for Dismantling Iran’s Regime MOIS Terrorist Network in Europe

Giulio Terzi, Foreign minister of Italy (2011-2013), addressed at the conference.
Giulio Terzi, Foreign minister of Italy (2011-2013)

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, the Antwerp Court in Belgium announced the verdict of three accomplices of the Iranian regime’s terrorist-diplomat Asadollah Assadi. An international conference held in this regard by the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI).

A group of prominent dignitaries from the U.S. and Europe attended and spoke at the conference online.
The keynote speaker at the conference was Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI).

Giulio Terzi, Foreign minister of Italy (2011-2013), addressed at the conference.

The following is an excerpt from Mr. Terzi’s speech at the conference:

While the Iranian people have suffered because of the regime’s torture and aggression, the terrible acts of violence against political opponents, today we finally have a moment of satisfaction because we see that great principles and values can be successfully achieved.

The sentence in Belgium shows that justice will prevail. It is important that we can loudly affirm that justice is winning against the regime in Tehran.

Tens of thousands of people were present at the Villepinte conference, and it could have been a genocidal attack. The sentence passed today is a pivotal moment. For the first time in Europe, a national court rules that a terrorist attack has been ordered by the leadership in Tehran. This case has brought to light what will emerge in other countries of Europe about the destabilizing role of Iran’s regime.

It is a duty of all European citizens to demand their governments to have a strong response toward Iran’s dual use of its diplomatic network for terrorism. These outposts of terror must be closed and removed. There must no longer be appeasement for this regime of terror, especially after the election of Ebrahim Raisi as president.

No more excuses and exceptions for this regime and its leaders. We cannot be blackmailed by this criminal regime. It is now time more than ever to stand up firmly and united to support the ten-point plan of President Rajavi.

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