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Linda Chavez’s Remarks to the International Conference, Call for Dismantling Iran’s Regime MOIS Terrorist Network in Europe

On Tuesday, May 10, 2022, the Antwerp Court in Belgium announced the verdict of three accomplices of the Iranian regime’s terrorist-diplomat Asadollah Assadi. An international conference held in this regard by the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI).

A group of prominent dignitaries from the U.S. and Europe attended and spoke at the conference online.
The keynote speaker at the conference was Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran(NCRI).

Linda Chavez, Chairman of the center for equal opportunity, former assistant to the U.S. president for public Liaisons, addressed at the conference.

The following is an excerpt from Ms. Chavez’s speech at the conference:

Today, we celebrate that the Iranian regime did not succeed in its attack. The four persons who were sentenced were just the trigger men. They did not originate the plot. They were not the only perpetrators. This plot was hatched in Tehran and the regime’s leaders.
It involved members of the diplomatic community. The people who assembled the bombs and directed the building of the bomb, who gave the order of assassinating Madam Rajavi and the killing of thousands of people, remain free. We should see a reaction in the various governments across Europe and in the United States.
There should be some attempt to hold those responsible for this attack to account. Until it’s done, justice is not served.
Madam Rajavi has stood for freedom for decades. I call upon my government and the governments who are devoted to freedom to stand with the people of Iran and bring those responsible for this plot to justice.

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