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MEK Supporters Rallies in Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Austria Against Iran’s Regime—August 6, 2022

Freedom-Loving Iranians, MEK Supporters Rallies in Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Austria Against Iran’s Regime

Saturday, August 6, 2022: Freedom-loving Iranians, supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran(PMOI/MEK) in different European countries including, Sweden, Stockholm and Gothenburg, Denmark, Copenhagen and Aarhus, The Netherlands, The Hague, and Austria, Vienna staged rallies against the mullahs’ regime.

Stockholm and Gothenburg, August 6: Freedom-loving Iranians and the Iranian Resistance supporters protested against appeasement with the mullahs’ regime.


Copenhagen and Aarhus, August 6: MEK supporters in Denmark demonstrated against the religious dictatorship ruling Iran and called for an end to appeasement policy with the mullahs.

The Hague, the Netherlands, August 6: Freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters condemn the US and EU officials’ appeasement policy toward the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran.

Vienna, August 6: At the same time as the new round of nuclear talks in Vienna, freedom-loving Iranians and MEK supporters, held a protest rally against the negotiations with the mullahs’ terrorist regime and appeasement policy toward this regime.

Also, they demanded the dismantling of the regime’s nuclear sites, inspections anytime and anywhere, and activating 6 resolutions of the UN Security Council against the regime.

Iranians in their rallies in the European countries demanded for the international trial of the mullahs’ regime leaders, especially, supreme leader Ali Khamenei and the mass murderer, Ebrahim Raisi for crimes against humanity.

Iranian resistance supporters called to adopt a firm policy on Iran’s regime, an end to appeasement with the regime.

They chanted slogans, including:

“The enemies of the Iranian people are the Shah (monarchy) and the Sheikh (mullahs’ regime).”
“Death to the tyrant, whether the Shah or Supreme Leader.”
“Death to Khamenei, Damned be Khomeini”
“Iranians are awake; they hate Sheikh (mullahs’ regime) and Shah (monarchy).”
“Neither the Shah nor the turban, the mullahs’ regime, has come to an end.”

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MEK Supporters Rallies in Sweden, Denmark, The Netherlands, and Austria Against Iran’s Regime—August 6, 2022