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Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, Addresses the Free Iran 2022

Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana
Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana

Excerpts of the speech of Erion Veliaj, Mayor of Tirana, at the Free Iran 2022, is as follows:

I’m so delighted that there are so many friends supporting the cause of the free Iran over nonnuclear Iran, over Iran where state and religion are separate, over democratic Iran. You have so many friends around the world, but I’d like to think that here in Tirana we have some special relationship.

This is your second home. Albania has been home to thousands of activists from Iran for so many years now. We are delighted that you are in our country and in our city.

We considered you our own, and we are very happy that you contribute to our democratic society. And sometimes, as they say, it gets darker right before dawn, right before the sunrise.

And I know for many people who are following the situation of unrest in Iran, the situation of aggression towards democratic protests in Iran, who those who want to keep the country closed and those who mix religion with state.

Those who believe in the power of executions and not the power of rule of law. Those who believe that by oppressing the people, the country can move forward are wrong.

And when it gets darkest, it’s right before dawn. And I know a lot of people for 50 years in Albania thought there was no hope and there was no way out and the country would never be able to get back on its feet and join the free world. But here we are now. Tirana. This year is the European youth capital 2022.

Albania was the head of the OCE. Now he’s a member of the UN Security Council. And last month it was the presidency of the UN Security Council. Everything is possible when the right people, when activists, civil society, when our families join forces to change our societies.

And if it could happen in Albania in the darkest of days, it could definitely happen in Iran.

Our heart, our friendship, our doors are open, and we can’t wait to look at what we can do together in this beautiful unity and friendship that we have amongst our people.

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