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Hadassah Lieberman, Addresses the Free Iran 2022

Hadassah Lieberman
Hadassah Lieberman

Excerpts of the speech of Hadassah Lieberman, Senator Joe Lieberman’s wife, at the Free Iran 2022, is as follows:

I want you to know that you’re wonderful. So, I want to say to you now, and this is not a speech, just a little greeting, and a little message. Three years ago, I spoke with some of the women here and people keep coming up to me and saying, you talked about light, it must have been good.

They keep quoting me on it. And then yesterday when Joe and I came in to this wonderful, wonderful, gorgeous place, we walked in and all of a sudden, I really focused on the sunlight and the lions all on the flags as they waved in the wind, when we walked in.

And to watch the Sun come in and illuminate the darkness because many times we only see darkness. And I thought of you, you’re wonderful leader, and how she speaks to all of you with such a firmness, with such a beauty.

And I thought, you know, in life we look for light, and we all need leaders who can truly lead us. Inspire us, excite us, and keep us from depressing thoughts and feelings.

And so, you are lucky to be in a group of people who has a cause such as you have and are fighting day and night, some of you. And every now and then you need to read words that inspire you, and you need to listen to voices that inspire you. So, I want to thank you for everything you do.

Truly, I’m not exaggerating. And your speakers have been so incredible. And I appreciate all their words and everything they said and their bright eyes. So, thank you. Love you.

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