Iran Freedom

Luis Leite Ramos, Former Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic, Addresses the Free Iran 2022

Luis Leite Ramos, Former Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic
Luis Leite Ramos, Former Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic

Excerpts of the speech of Luis Leite Ramos, Former Deputy of the Assembly of the Portuguese Republic, at the Free Iran 2022, is as follows:

Good evening Madame Rajavi, ladies and gentlemen, dear Iranian friends. Reports coming from Iran show that people from all walks of life are coming to the streets every day to protest economic rules, government corruption, arrest of activists, and suppression of freedoms.

Almost in all protests, while they start with some economic or social demands, soon they turn into calling for fall of the regime with slogans such as down with Khamenei and down with Raisi which demonstrates the level of discontent.

The spread of protest, social and political unrest and uprising in Iran aimed at the current regime’s existence has made it apparent to every outside of servers that Iran people want fundamental change and transform of the current system of aesthetic religious regime to secular democratic rule based on populace of liberty.

But in the view of the state of absolute repression and use of brutal force in dealing with any form of opposition, can Iranian dictatorship be overturned? This is the question in the mind of every outside of server. This is where the make resistance unites. These units take action across Iran to break the atmosphere of fear and make people believe that they can bring about the change. They give people hope and courage to rise up and make the change happen.

What is the role of the international community, and most specifically the role of the Western governments in this regard? In my opinion, Western governments should stop appeasing the mullahs, who are murderers and suppressors of the Iranian people. They should stand firm in the face of Iran’s ostrich taking and blackmail diplomacy, and such concessions in the mullahs would be against both our own interests in Europe and debt on the people and must be rejected.

Western governments should stand on the side of Iran’s people and their resistance unit and support their struggle for a democratic republic, rejecting both, religious tyranny and Shah dictatorship. In this struggle, are represented by Madame Rajavi, the NCRI and the MEK.

Once again I express my full support for Madame Rajavi Ten points plan and my full support to Iran people. Madam Rajavi, thank you for your leadership. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for your determination. We are with you, Hazer, Hazer, Hazer (I’m ready).

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