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Washington, DC: Freedom-Loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Demonstration After Holding the Summit in Support of the Iran Revolution

Washington, DC: Freedom-Loving Iranians and MEK Supporters Demonstration After Holding the Summit in Support of the Iran Revolution

Washington, DC——March 11, 2023: Freedom-loving Iranians and supporters of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK) and the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) demonstrated after the Washington Summit in support of Iran’s uprising for a democratic and free Republic.

Iranian-American community members and Iranian Resistance supporters gathered in front of the Capitol Hill, and while expressing their solidarity with the nationwide Iranian people uprising and their desire to overthrow the mullahs’ regime.

It is worth noting that on March 11, 2023, a bipartisan summit featuring prominent politicians and former senior military commanders was held in Washington, DC to offer recommendations for new US policy on Iran. After the summit, Iranian Americans marched in Washington, DC, and took to the streets to support the Iran Revolution.

Iranian Americans called for a US policy that pressured the mullahs and supported the Iranian people’s aspiration for a democratic Iranian republic.

They chanted slogans, including: “One solution, Revolution”, “Regime change in Iran by the people of Iran” and “Down with Khamenei, Down with dictator”.

They also rejected any form of dictatorship by chanting the popular slogan of “Down with the oppressor, be it Shah or the [supreme] leader.”

Moreover, a photo exhibition was held in front of the US Capitol. Thousands of images cover nearly 40 years of sacrifice by the people of Iran for the cause of a Democratic Iranian Republic.

The Iranian-American community wanted to show part of the heavy price of the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and to call for support for the revolution. Organization of Iranian American Communities (OIAC), organized this exhibition.

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