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Maryam Rajavi Holds Meetings with MEPs, Calls for Firm Policy Against Iranian Regime

Maryam Rajavi Holds Meetings with MEPs, Calls for Firm Policy Against Iranian Regime

Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), recently visited Brussels to discuss the situation in Iran and garner support for a firm policy against the Iranian regime. During her visit, she held separate meetings with several Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and other influential figures.

In her meeting with Javier Zarzalejos, co-chairman of the Friends of a Free Iran (FOFI) parliamentary intergroup, Mrs. Rajavi expressed her gratitude for his and FOFI members’ efforts. They discussed the dire situation in Iran, including the brutal executions carried out by the religious dictatorship, the regime’s impasse, and the state of the uprising and Resistance. Mrs. Rajavi emphasized the need for increased efforts in Europe to halt the hangings in Iran and adopt a strong policy against the tyranny of the mullahs.

Javier Zarzalejos highlighted the warm reception Mrs. Rajavi received from MEPs and their unwavering support for the Iranian Resistance. He stated that the European Parliament is well aware of who represents the Iranian people and their aspirations for change. Mr. Zarzalejos also mentioned the possibility of blacklisting the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), following the European Parliament’s strong resolution.

In another meeting, Mrs. Rajavi met with Jan Zahradil, Vice-Chairman of the EP’s International Trade Committee. Mr. Zahradil, who has been acquainted with the Iranian Resistance for two decades, expressed his support and acknowledged the growing backing for the Resistance in the European Parliament. He also highlighted the increasing concerns about the Iranian regime’s actions, particularly in light of the geopolitical changes following the war in Ukraine.

During her meetings with MEPs, Mrs. Rajavi emphasized the Iranian people’s opposition to appeasement of the religious fascism ruling Iran. She called for designating the Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) and the mullahs’ Ministry of Intelligence (MOIS) as terrorist entities and urged the closure of the regime’s embassies.

Several MEPs expressed their support for the Iranian Resistance and its leadership under Maryam Rajavi. Ljudmila Novak, MEP from Slovenia, welcomed Mrs. Rajavi’s presence in the European Parliament and affirmed continued support for the Iranian Resistance. Nicola Procaccini, co-chairman of the European Conservatives and Democrats (ECR) group in the EP, highlighted the significant support in the EP for Mrs. Rajavi’s leadership and the pivotal role women play in the Iranian Resistance.

Italian MEPs Alessandro Panza and Susanna Ceccardi praised the prominent role of women in the Iranian Resistance movement. They stressed the importance of adopting a firm policy and implementing strong sanctions against the mullahs’ dictatorship. Ms. Isabel Wiseler-Lima, MEP from Luxembourg and rapporteur for the European People’s Party, commended Mrs. Rajavi’s courage and resistance against the repressive regime.

Mrs. Rajavi also met with Senator Pierre Galand, President of the World Organization Against Torture (OMCT) in Europe. They discussed the alarming wave of executions orchestrated by the Iranian regime, and Mrs. Rajavi expressed her concerns about the policy of complacency, which encourages the regime in committing heinous crimes. Mr. Galand acknowledged the leading role of the Iranian Resistance in the fight against tyranny and expressed his support for the Resistance movement.

Furthermore, Mrs. Rajavi met with MEPs Petras Austrevicius and Petri Sarvamaa, who emphasized the need for stronger sanctions against the Iranian regime. They highlighted that appeasement of the regime has proven to be a failed policy. Mrs. Rajavi expressed gratitude for the MEPs’ support and stressed that appeasing the Iranian regime harms not only the Iranian people but also Europe and the world. She emphasized the importance of confronting the regime with strength and determination.

Maryam Rajavi’s visit to Brussels and her meetings with MEPs demonstrated the growing support for the Iranian Resistance in Europe. The discussions revolved around the dire situation in Iran, the need for a firm policy against the regime, and the pivotal role of women in the Resistance movement. With increasing awareness of the Iranian regime’s actions and the desire for change, European leaders are taking a stand in support of the Iranian people’s struggle for democracy and freedom.

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Maryam Rajavi Holds Meetings with MEPs, Calls for Firm Policy Against Iranian Regime