Iran Freedom

Dutch MEP Dorien Rookmaker Speech to the Conference, “Iran Uprising, Role of Women and Youths, and Prospects of a Democratic Republic”

Dutch MEP Dorien Rookmaker
Dutch MEP Dorien Rookmaker

During an international conference held in Brussels on September 15, Dutch MEP Dorien Rookmaker delivered a speech. The event held in Brussels to commemorate the first anniversary of Iran’s 2022 uprising. This conference was organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The text of MEP Dorien Rookmaker’s speech follows:

Dear President Maryam Rajavi, dear honorable guests, dear honorable friends in the audience, I am so happy and honored I can be here, even if the reason why we’re here is a tragic one.

It’s a tragic one because we still are confronted with a murderous regime in Iran. There is no excuse for oppression, there is no excuse for oppressors, there’s no excuse for a regime murdering their own people, and there’s no excuse for the European Union to talk with criminals like the regime in Iran.

Mahsa Amini became a heroine against all odds. Since her death, we have been chanting, “Women, life, freedom.”

This is because women are so important in the struggle for freedom in Iran today. But as we have just seen, the youth is equally important. And as a member of the European Parliament, but also as the chair of the oldest women’s association in the Netherlands, I want to thank the gentlemen in the audience, the males, and the people who support us in our struggle. Because we only can do this if we can stand together.

Mahsa Amini is a symbol of sacrifice, but Mrs. Maryam Rajavi is a symbol of courage and a symbol of hope.

Last year was a year of sacrifice, next year will be the year of change. The regime will disappear, I’m confident.

So to all who are watching in Iran, I know what a struggle it has been, and I know there is no way of underestimating what courage you must have to stand up to this regime. And I continue to support you, and so will all members of the European Parliament. I thank you. Thank you.

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