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Former MEP Paulo Casaca Speech to the Grand Demonstration in Brussels

Former MEP Paulo Casaca

During a grand demonstration held in Brussels on September 15, Former MEP Paulo Casaca delivered a speech. Thousands of Iranian Resistance supporters took part in the rally and honoring the first anniversary of Iran’s 2022 uprising. The grand rally in Brussels was organized by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI).

The text of Former MEP Paulo Casaca’s speech follows:

Thank you for the introduction to this invitation. For me, it is always a big pleasure to be with the Iranian people, because I do not know more courageous people in this world than the Iranian people. And I think that the whole world is more and more understanding.

When we see these women, these young ladies, these young boys, facing the regime, not accepting the dictatorship and showing how brave they are, how they love freedom, I think everyone in this world has to rejoice.

And, of course, we do mourn the victims of this evil regime. Today was one year ago, the day when the arrest of a young lady started the revolt against the Iranian regime, and this arrest was followed, as we know, by her mother. And, of course, we feel that very much. But I think that the message we got here today, here in Brussels, by so many of you, by the women that were present today in the center of Brussels, and most in particular by the youth, is that there is no way that the Iranian people will ever break and accept this evil regime. There is no way.

These people that are in some of these governments, like the one of Belgium and the United States and others, they think that they can negotiate their interests and that they can forget about the Iranian people. But they are completely wrong. They are completely wrong. They are betting on the bad side of history because the Iranian people will definitely put these mullahs out of power. I am absolutely certain that you will do it because you are the most courageous, you are the most determined people I have ever seen in my life.

And so, let me just tell you that I am very, very honored to have been invited to be here with you, to be sharing with you this day of struggle, and to tell you that I was very much impressed with what I saw today, that you have to continue.

This youth of Iran is going to be the end of the regime, I am absolutely certain. And so, with this determination, we shall continue. We shall go all the time against these mullahs. We have to get the support of freedom-minded, like-minded people, who are the majority here in Europe. And we shall prevail. The victory for freedom, for the Ten-Points Program, will come sooner rather than later.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

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