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Campaign: “#Dont_Execute”, Inside and Outside Iran to Save the Lives of Protesters

In recent weeks and days, a large-scale campaign has been launched to save the lives of political prisoners, including young people who took part in the protests of 2017, 2018, November 2019 and January 2020.

This campaign, entitled “اعدام_نکنید#  (#Dont_Execute)” with various hashtags, including “#StopExecutionsInIran” and other hashtags, has become a nationwide protest by the Iranian people to oppose the religious dictatorship of Iran and the brutal death sentences, imprisonment and flogging. Note that these cruel sentences are issued only for participating in protests the regime.

Navid Afkari a 27 years old wrestling champion who sentenced to death for taking part in protests in August 2018 in Kazerun city (Fars province), wrote a letter and described horrific tortures inflicted on him in prison by the regime’s agents. was sentenced to two executions, in addition to six and a half years in prison and 74 lashes. His brothers, Vahid Afkari, 35, and Habib Afkari, 29, were sentenced to 54.5 years in prison and 74 lashes, and 27 years and three months imprisonment and 74 lashes, respectively. They have been subjected to severe torture in prison since 2018.

He wrote in the letter: “For around 50 days I had to endure the most horrendous physical and psychological tortures. They would beat me with sticks and batons, hitting my arms, legs, abdomen and back. They would place a plastic bag on my head and torture me until I suffocated to the very brink of death. They also poured alcohol into my nose,”

The mother of three young Iran protesters has gone public to save the lives of her sons, after the Iranian Judiciary handed down unfair sentences for them for participating in public protests in 2018 in Kazerun and Shiraz.

Why does the mullahs’ regime issue such cruel sentences?

The Iranian regime executes political prisoners and protesters to intimidate would be protesters and prevent future protests. 

On August 5, the Iranian regime hanged a political prisoner in central Iran. Mostafa Salehi was detained during protests in Isfahan two years ago.  Three other protesters in Tehran and five protesters in Isfahan have also been sentenced to death.

International human rights organizations and defenders also called for an end to the brutal executions in Iran.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), called for urgent national and international action to stop the execution of Navid Afkari and called on all compatriots in Fars, especially the brave youth of Fars and Kazerun, to protest against these criminal rulings. She said: With these sentences, the ruling religious fascism is seeking to retaliate against the courageous residents of Kazerun and Shiraz for rising up in April, May and August 2018 as well as in November 2019, which shook the regime to its core.”

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Campaign: “#Dont_Execute”, Inside and Outside Iran to Save the Lives of Protesters