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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Free Iran Rally proclaims the end of the corrupt appeasement Policy

Free Iran Rally proclaims the end of the corrupt appeasement Policy

The people of Iran have used their protests to speak out for regime change. But the policy stance from the West has not responded accordingly. The Free Iran Rally in Paris will show the world what a democratic Iran would look like. It will present a viable alternative to the regime’s rule of terror.

On the eve of Free Iran Rally of 2018 on June 30 in Paris, a panel of transatlantic  prominent politicians and experts, with the initiative of the ‘Fondation d’Etudes pour le Moyen Orient’ was held on June 29, in Paris, and discussed the situation in the Islamic theocracy and the eventual collapse of the regime in Tehran.

One of the topics of the discussions was the appeasement policy toward the mullahs that frequently has streamed from European capitals, Tehran simultaneously has extended its tentacles into Brussels and has shaped its lobby.

Former U.S. Senator Robert Torricelli spoke on the Free Iran panel of the obvious conclusion that

The cooperation that appears to be coming from Europe on the economic side with the new American standards against Iran, are at least begrudgingly cooperative. The regime has to go. And there are only two ways to get there. We do this through economic pressure which leads to internal political change or it happens militarily. No one should want it to happen militarily and those who are against a military answer with the regime, we can also be against the economic.

The New Jersey Democrat declared that once again the United States, under President Trump, is leading the world, after 8 years of ‘leading from behind’.

Former Italian foreign minister Guilio Terzi blamed the European officials for supporting the clerical regime and for the appeasement policies and particularly for the decisions that made the European companies rush to Iran’s market.

“The policy of appeasement at all costs that European governments are carrying on is based on false assumptions,” said former Italian foreign minister Julio Terzi. “Rouhani is part of the leadership with Khamenei and hasn’t changed the [Iranian regime’s] vision of dominating the world of Islam.”

Terzi also emphasized that under Rouhani, there has been no modification to the economic structure of Iran. “The regime is focused on strengthening the power of IRGC,” he said.

“Continue to pressure the regime,” Terzi suggested as the solution to dealing with Iran. “It is completely wrong to pursue other ways such as increasing cooperation across the board, such as cultural fields, or intelligence cooperation, as the Italian government is pursuing.”

Adam Ereli the former U.S. ambassador to Bahrain and Deputy State Department Spokesman addressed the panel. He claimed that the current European Union ambassador to Iraq, Ramon Blecua, is a bought-and-paid-for Iranian intelligence agent.

“Something we could all agree on is, what a difference a year makes when you think of where Iran was and the United States policy was last year versus where it is today,” he said “ The other point I would make is that sanctions are working. I mean the reality is reached ninety thousand to the dollar a few days ago which is extraordinary” he added.

“And again let’s be clear it’s both good and bad. It’s good in the sense that it shows that the regime is under pressure. It’s bad because for the Iranian people and we should always bear that in mind that, there are two sides to every point and the sooner we can free them from this the better will be for everybody” he stated  “But the other sort of commending to you a picture on Twitter. Of an old man in Tehran who’s holding up a sign that says, I’m offering my left kidney for sale I’ll take five hundred dollars. Here’s the address to come to get it.”

On June 30th, over 100,000 supporters of the Iranian opposition movement will gather in Paris, along with prominent politician from the US, Europe, Canada, Australia and the Middle East.

Mrs. Maryam Rajavi the President-elect of the NCRI, will be the keynote speaker and will draw international attention to the struggle that the Iranian population face in their crusade for regime change. The people of Iran have used their protests to speak out for regime change. But the policy stance from the West has not responded accordingly. The Free Iran Rally in Paris will show the world what a democratic Iran would look like. It will present a viable alternative to the regime’s rule of terror.

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Free Iran Rally proclaims the end of the corrupt appeasement Policy