Iran Freedom

European MEPs from different aisle Support Iranians’ convention in Paris

Different European MEPs Groups Supports Iranians’ convention in Paris

Only six days remain to the Iranians’ convention in Paris scheduled for June 30th in Paris this year,Members of the European parliament voice their support for Iranians’ convention in Paris

Ruža Tomašić,Member M.E.P. from Croatia in the E.C.R. group announced her support for Iranians’ convention in Paris

Hi everybody, my name is Ruža Tomašić, I am an M.E.P. from Croatia in the E.C.R. group.

And I have a message for people from Iran. It is your country and you should be running it the way

you find it best suitable for you. But you do have to fight for your freedom and I am so happy that so many of you showed that you want to take Iran in your own hands and make a democracy like your guys deserve. And since you’re having a freedom gathering in Paris, I wish you all the success, but like I said nobody can do it for you. You have to do it yourself. And also I am very, very glad that you’re supporting Mrs. Rajavi, because she really dedicated her life to do better for Iran and to make Iran a good place to live for all of you.

Mari-Ann Kelam,Member of the Estonian Riigikogu also emphasized that she join the Iranians’ convention in Paris and supports it.

Hello, I’m here to encourage all of you to join us in Paris on the thirtieth of June for the annual wonderful exhilarating, inspiring meeting of people, dedicated to the freedom and democracy of Iran.

This is an event that every year has just brought tears to my eyes and a smile to my face because so many dear friends are there, brave fighters for freedom, the people in the West who are clear-thinking and understand to support and be with the Iranian people in their struggle for democracy and freedom. It is the most uplifting event that I have ever attended I have to say and I wish all of you to have that same wonderful experience. So next year, in Tehran.

The way you can get the Iranians’ convention in Paris

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