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 Free Iran rally , an earthquake for mullahs’ regime

Free Iran rally , an earthquake for mullahs’ regime

Iran Regime at War with Entire World On All-Out International Support for Iranian Resistance.

Minutes after the speech by Prince Turki al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia, the Iranian regime’s state media and websites started attacking France for hosting the “Free Iran” grand gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris on July 9.

This was followed by the regime summoning the French ambassador in Tehran to its foreign ministry to tell him they would not tolerate a peaceful gathering of Iranians in Paris who desire a regime change in their homeland.

The Swiss Ambassador in Tehran was also summoned to the regime’s foreign ministry to receive hysteric rant to be delivered to the government of Saudi Arabia.

The mullahs also summoned Egypt’s chargé d’affaires in Tehran t “strongly protest” against the presence of Egyptian lawmakers in the Paris gathering which suce of Iran (NCRoI). Accordingpported the National Council of Resistan to the mullahs, the official parliamentary delegation of Egypt had no right to decide on standing with the Iranian people and its Resistance movement.

The mullahs’ state media quoted some bogus Palestinian figures to attack the Palestinian delegation which participated in the event. In a furious attack on the participating dignitaries, they were all called terrorists! The mullahs have been hysterically shouting who the hell are you to interfere in Iran’s internal affairs? This made the dignitaries laugh at the mullahs and ask in reply what the hell are you mullahs doing in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Bahrain, Lebanon and elsewhere?

Almost a week after the rally, the mullahs have not cooled down, and they will never do because they are extremely frightened by the aftermath of the NCRI rally which was partly reported by the Iranian regime’s state-run television and widely welcomed by people inside Iran. The State TV broadcasts were designed to undermine the objectives of the rally but ran against their intentions.

Political prisoners in Tehran’s notorious Evin Prison took the opportunity to celebrate the event in their ward and chanted slogans in solidarity with the rally. In a jubilant mood they clapped and chanted “down with the dictator.”

A similar mood was reported in Gohardasht Prison, north-west of Tehran, where prison wardens had to resort to intimidation to stop prisoners from celebrating – but ultimately they failed to stifle the jubilations. Celebrations continued even after the television report stopped, and prisoners were in a good mood making their joy and happiness evident despite intimidations.

Alireza Golipour, a supporter of the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (MeK/PMOI), who is a political prisoner in Iran, smuggled out a message after watching the television report. He congratulated the participants for their unwavering resistance to the clerical regime and said: “The regime tried everything to tarnish the event, but it failed as it was far too beautiful, emanating deep love and sincerity. The regime’s attempts only added to its shameful record causing further hatred towards mullahs.”

He ended his message by saying, “Your gathering made me even more proud and determined to continue my resistance and hold my head up and cry out: I will stand by my beliefs and views to the end with great pride. Long live a free Iran.”

To sum up, this rally was an earthquake that shook the very foundations of the mullahs’ regime. Whatever reaction it shows makes the regime’s situation even worse. Its absurd acts and words clearly manifest the regime’s barbaric and savage face as well as its authoritarian and intolerant nature in not tolerating a peaceful gathering of its opponents miles away from Tehran. From this, one can imagine what the mullahs do to the Iranian opponents inside the country.

The regime’s furious reactions make its illegitimacy more obvious. The mullahs perceive that they are abhorred by the entire region and indeed by the entire world. They understand that their days are coming to an end, and this is why they are at war with anyone who has participated in the Paris rally and who expresses solidarity with the Iranian people and Resistance for a free Iran.

Elaheh Azimfar is a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran and the NCRI’s representative for international organizations

source: http://www.ncr-iran.org/en/blog/20705-free-iran-rally-was-an-earthquake-to-the-regime

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 Free Iran rally , an earthquake for mullahs’ regime