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Prominent American figures applaud Iranian Resistance straggle for freedom

Iranian Resistance
Prominent American figures applaud Iranian Resistance straggle for freedom
Judge Michael Mukasey, former US Attorney General and Louis Freeh
Judge Michael Mukasey, former US Attorney General and Louis Freeh, former Director of FBI, applauded the Iranian resistance for their continuous struggle and promised support until the regime change and establishment of freedom in Iran.
Judge Louis Freeh, former Director of FBI
Mr. Louis Freeh in his speech said that the Wind change is blowing and reminding the blowing up of Khobar Tower 20 years ago in Saudi Arabia and following that the continuation of the regimes’ terrorist attack all over the world. He concluded that the behavior of the regime has not changed. Referring to rising of the dollar value in Iran fueled the unrest in Iran. He sent a message of support to the freedom fighters inside of Iran and expressed his admiration regard their courage. He emphasized that all the foreign companies which aid Mullahs regime in Iran must be sanctioned. Also, he promised tyranny rulers in Iran to be brought to justice in the international court.
Louis Freeh: My message to the freedom fighters: We are amazed at your courage. We can move satellites to help you communicate. We can carry the fight as you have because you are the tip of the spear for liberty.
Louis Freeh: The falling value of rial against dollar is bad news for ppl but that is the price for freedom that the ppl of Iran are willing to pay. We support you, the people of ; we are amazed by your courage and sacrifice.

 My second message is to the oppressors in . To the criminals in Iran who are arresteing and torturing their people in Iran. This is not 100 years ago. We have the ability to bring these criminals to justice.
The day will come when not only democratic change will come to Iran but the criminals who have committed crimes against humanity will fill the courts for crimes against humanity.
Judge Michael Mukasey, former US Attorney General
Stars align to overthrow the regime.
Thank Mrs. Maryam Rajavi devoted years to make this come to alive.
I commend her and Ashraf residence against Mullahs regime during these years.
Economic situation and corruption in Iran are not ending.
We hope the mullahs will topple. I promise our delegation effort will not stop until we greet you in free Iran.

Michael Mukasey: For the first time in the eight years, since I’ve been coming to this event, finally the stars seen to be aligned to accomplish what we all want to accomplish which is the downfall of the mullahs’ regime.
And even as we hear that the economic rout in & the political rout in Tehran finally matches the moral rout that has always been at the core of the mullahs’ regime.
As we pause to thank Ms. Rajavi who has devoted decades of her life to bring this about and the people who died and the people who were mutilated to help bring it about, and the residents of the who suffered tremendously & the Albanians who welcomed them gallantly,
We all are aware & you are aware &your presence shows you’re aware that there is nothing inevitable in human affairs. We hope that the mullahs will topple but it’s going to take more efforts but you are here to show that effort is going to be forthcoming
I promise you on my own behalf and on behalf of the others in the American delegation that we know that and our efforts will not stop either until the day comes when we can greet each other in a peaceful and free .
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