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The message of a member of the PMOI From Ashraf 3 to the gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris

Iranian Resistance

The message of Hejrat Moezzi, member of the PMOI From Ashraf 3 to the gathering of the Iranian Resistance in Paris


From Ashraf 3, along with 1000 of Ashrafis, I salute and thank you. You and we have filed a long way together in the path to freedom, and now with the growing uprising in Iran, we are approaching our goal of freedom. For 39 years, the regime has tried to separate the PMOI from their roots in the Iranian society.

By spending billions of dollars, in spreading lies and by cruel repression and more than 100.000 executions, including the massacre of 30.000 political prisoners, just in the summer of 1988. Like every other young Iranian, I was bombarded with these lies from the first day I can remember, by radio and TV, printed media, school books, even movies. I have also personally experienced the regime suppression.

However, this huge gathering shows the strengths of the resistance and the defeats the regimes efforts to demonize it. The large number of Iranian youth in the resistance movement signals the regime’s defeat. Truth cannot be imprisoned or executed.

This grand meeting shows that our generation has found the path to freedom and has become a pillar of strengths.

The young Iranians organized the resistance cells and participated in campaigns despite the risks. The people of Iran, including the families of prisoners and martyrs, support the resistance. Demonstrations and strikes throughout Iran are unstoppable.

This is the reality of Iran today and the bases of free Iran of tomorrow. I see myself alongside with the demonstrators in Tehran and other cities. I am far from you but my heart goes out to you. Victory is near and on that day we will celebrate it with our beloved people.

Thank you very much.

speech of Maryam Rajavi

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