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The Free Iran World Summit 2019

Mr. John Baird at MEK’s annual Free Iran rally

On Saturday 13 july 2019, a large crowd gathered in Ashraf 3, Albania, home to Iranian opposition group People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), to hold the annual Free Iran rally of the Iranian resistance. The event was the fourth installment in a series of events held at Ashraf 3. Mr. John Baird gave a speech in this gathering.

Mr. John Baird – Former Foreign Minister of Canada

Mr. John Baird :Madame Rajavi, friends, and I consider you all friends, it is a great honor for me to visit Ashraf 3, to meet you personally, to hear firsthand of your struggles, and most importantly to see and to learn and to feel your persistence and your commitment to freedom. You are honestly a tremendous inspiration. Madame Rajavi, I salute your leadership, your courage, and your determination.

In Canada, the government with which I served under Prime Minister Steven Harper, we know this regime in Tehran only too well. We know about their nuclear program.

We know about their abysmal and deteriorating human rights record. We know about their moral and material support for terrorism in every corner of the world.

We know that you have to combat the regime’s propaganda and the regime’s lies. We know that you have to be strong and you have to not make endless concessions to tyrants. And most importantly, in Canada we believe, and we know that appeasement of the mullahs is an absolute disgrace. We know in Canada; in Canada we know that there is no such thing as a moderate fascist.

Friends, it is time to end the tyranny. It is time to end the oppression. It is time to put an end to religious fascism. It is time for justice and accountability. It’s time for freedom. It’s time for the struggle to end. It is time for victory. Friends, it is time for the mullahs to go. Thank you.

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Mr. John Baird at MEK’s annual Free Iran rally