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Remarks by Senator Ben Cardin –Iran Regime’s Terrorism Summit, July 20, 2020

The National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI)  was held a global seminar on the Iranian regime’s terrorist operations during the third day of the “Free Iran Global Summit” on, July 20, 2020.

The conference under title, Terrorism by Iran’s Regime -Shut Down Tehran’s Embassies Abroad-Expel its Agents, Operatives, was held online, connecting thousands of locations throughout the world to Ashraf 3, Albania, home to the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK). This conference is over the Iranian regime’s terrorist activities across the world, by using its embassies. The conference and its panelists urged the European countries to shut down the Iranian regime’s embassies, which are indeed emissaries of terror and nests of spies. The keynote speaker of this event is Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the NCRI’s President-elect.

The theme of the conference was the Iranian regime’s international terrorist activities. Participants called on the international community to shut down the regime’s embassies and expel its ‘diplomat-terrorists’.

Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), From the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee joined the Online Free Iran Global Summitday 3. In his remarks, Senator Cardin said, “Our message is simple: the world’s most powerful democracy condemns the suppression of human rights and free expression everywhere in the world and that we stand with the people of Iran.”  

Here is the speech of Senator Ben Cardin:

Let me start by saying how heartbreaking it is to see Iran in the midst of its second wave of coronavirus infections. For the Iranian people to fight against the pandemic, as well as coping with such an oppressive regime, is an incredible burden to bear. Senate Resolution 539, which I introduced with Senators Jeanne Shaheen, Tim Kaine, and Jacky Rose, expresses support for the right of the Iranian people to self-determination and condemns the regime for its violent suppression of free expression and shooting down of Ukraine International Airline flight 752. The loss of life was devastating and shows the lengths to which the regime goes to silence opponents, both domestically and abroad.

Our resolution supports the right of all Iranians, wherever they are in the world, to peacefully assemble and protest the Iranian government without fear of violence or reprisal. It also calls on the administration to do everything possible to ensure free and uninterrupted access to the internet for the Iranian people.

Finally, the resolution urges the U.S. President and Secretary of State to work with the international community to ensure that members of the Iranian regime be held accountable for their violations of human rights. By shackling free speech and stifling dissent, the Ayatollah not only directly oppresses his opponents, but he seeks to weaken the morale of the Iranian people.

Our message is simple: the world’s most powerful democracy condemns the suppression of human rights and free expression everywhere in the world and that we stand with the people of Iran.

The fight is not over, the Iranian people are resilient and continuing to wage a heroic uprising against the regime’s corruption and brutality.

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Remarks by Senator Ben Cardin –Iran Regime’s Terrorism Summit, July 20, 2020