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The Iranian Alternative’s Annual Gathering and its Impact inside Iran


The Iranian Alternative’s Annual Grand Gathering and its Impact inside Iran

As a long tradition, the Iranian Resistance sets up an Annual Grand Gathering to commemorate the June 20th, 1981 uprising, the beginning of the revolutionary resistance, the day of the martyrs and political prisoners, the anniversary of the establishment of the National Liberation Army and the anniversary of breaking the conspiracy to destroy the Iranian resistance at behest of the mullahs’ regime ruling Iran via the coup of June 17, 2003 by the then French government.

This year, the Organizing Committee of the Annual Grand Gathering of the Alternative (Resistance) has called the Iranian diaspora, supporters of the resistance, PMOI supporters and all the freedom lovers to partake this gathering in Paris on Saturday, June 30th, 2018.

 Impact of the Iranian altervative’s Grand Gathering on the developments inside Iran

Looking at the invitation, this question comes to mind: Basically, how much holding a gathering abroad can affect the developments inside Iran, particularly on uprising and protests against the regime. In other words, the question is whether such an event can have an impact on the overthrow of the regime.

To answer the question, some points should be considered:

What is the purpose of the Gathering?

Who organizes this Gathering?

Who participates in the Gathering?

What are the circumstances under which this Gathering takes place?

The purpose of the Gathering

In the title of the call, the purpose of the Gathering is mentioned as follows:

The uprising and free Iran, with thousands of Ashraf and the Liberation Army.

Support for resistance councils and rebellion units.

National Solidarity for the Overthrow of Religious Fascism.

Therefore, the purpose of this Gathering is not just gathering. Obviously, it is about the ongoing uprising in Iran.

Clearly, this Gathering represents the uprising of the Iranian people. The purpose of the uprising is also to establish a free and democratic Iran. This goal has been repeatedly addressed by Maryam Rajavi at the past Gatherings of the Iraniana;alternative  and has also been adopted by the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI). The specific strategy sought by the gathering is the strategy of the thousands of Ashrafs and the Liberation Army. Because the uprising is not a spontaneous phenomenon. In the face of an organized and armed enemy, the uprising also needs to be organized. Therefore, the resistance groups and rebellion units all over Iran should be organized to lead the uprising. Finally, the purpose of the Alternative’s Gathering is to rally all Iranians inside and outside the country around the cause of overthrowing the religious fascism ruling Iran. The overthrow of this anti-Iranian regime has long been the demand of all Iranians regardless of any belief, religion or ethnicity. This cause is also highlighted in the Iranian National Declaration. In the Alternative’s Annual Gathering, the dissident forces seeking the overthrow of the ruling regime are coming together.

Organizing force of the Iranian alternative’s Annual Grand Gathering

The pivotal organizing forces of the Gathering, are the PMOI/MEK, the NCRI and all resistance supporters, PMOI supporters and rebellion units inside Iran. It is a national Gathering. It is a national Gathering and a rally saber-rattling against the clerical dictatorship. This is a national congress for the forces seeking to overthrow the mullahs. So this is not simply an association, not simply a meeting. Far from it, it is the presence of an inclusive Alternative in these defining domestic and international circumstances.

Circumstances in which the Alternative’s Gathering is taking place

The gathering of the Iranian Resistance will take place under circumstances that everybody testifies the winds of change have started blowing in our homeland. The ruling regime is in disarray and paralyzed as never before. The Iranian society is simmering with discontent and the international community is finally getting closer to the reality that appeasing the ruling theocracy is misguided.

According to Maryam Rajavi’s speech at last year’s Gathering in Paris, the same volatile circumstances  speak to three fundamental truths for obtaining freedom in Iran, and peace and tranquility in the region:

First, the necessity of overthrowing the clerical regime.

Second, the regime’s overthrow is within reach.

And third, a democratic alternative and an organized resistance exists, which is capable of toppling the theocracy in Iran.

The effects and outcomes of the uprising in the beginning of 2018 are now clearly evident in the uprisings, protests and strikes, including the uprising of the people of of the city of Kazerun, the uprising and strike of people of the city of Baneh and the strike of truck drivers.

The Iranian Resistance has caught the‌ regime of Velayat-e-Faqih in nuclear trap and its efforts over the years for JCPOA have been destroyed. Coincidence of international conditions, domestic conditions and the democratic Alternative’s readiness for the final battle, has made the overthrow of religious tyranny and democratic change in Iran inevitable.

The Grand Gathering of the Iranian alternative is the point of symmetry and the outcome of all of these components, and certainly, a qualitative change will be achieved by holding it.

Mahdavi is an Author, Reporter, and Opposition Activist to the Iranian regime. He writes articles for You can follow him on Twitter @mahdavi85

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