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Twenty-third INTV telethon, National Solidarity for uprising & freedom

The Twenty-third INTV telethon (Iran national TV’s fundraising), began on November 30, at 18 pm, and continued till Monday, 11 am for 43 hours.

100 phone lines provided a continuous and direct connection to the program. Simultaneously, communication with Iran was conducted on social networks including the Telegram.

However, many of our fellow countrymen and countrywomen, as well as other contributors, faced long-term waiting due to the high volume of contacts.
While contributing, our compatriots described the INTV as the voice of the uprising and freedom of the Iranian people, the voice of the workers and farmers, truckers, teachers and other striking and risen strata.

The characteristic of the most recent INTV telethon was its vast popular support inside Iran and all around the world. The INTV telethon created many glorious and touching scenes; from the political prisoners who once again participated with their remarkable sacrifice and courage, to a mother, with an all-out dedication, who modestly donated her residential home to INTV telethon for the continuation of this popular media. We also heard from honorable toiling workers who saved their meal’s expense to help the voice of the uprising and freedom of Iran to be transmitted. There were Iranian refugees in various countries, prominent experts and generous resistance’s supporters who remitted all their assets and incomes.


The presence of some PMOI officials and members residing in Ashraf 3, the residential base of the Iranian resistance members, enhanced the enthusiasm for partaking in the INTV telethon.

In this INTV telethon, given the dire economic condition in Iran, the resistance units’ members were commended for their contributions and their call for backing Simay-e-Azadi.

The Twenty-third INTV telethon Program also showed a beautiful and unique example of a high-quality teamwork by the supporters. They had begun their incentive campaign before the start of INTV telethon. During the three-day program, they announced the collected donations times and again.
In this INTV telethon, as the result of all these efforts, total financial commitments and contributions reached 75 billion, 316 million and 904 thousand tomans equivalent to $6,549,296. Gifts and non-cash donations, including houses, lands, cars, carpets, gold, and jewelry, are not included in this amount.

Meanwhile, as our compatriots have pointed out with the most eloquent and impressive words, the INTV telethon proved the Iran resistances’ financial independence from all states and its reliance on the support of the Iranian people. By participating in this INTV telethon, the resistance and PMOI supporters responded to the mullahs’ claims and propaganda, their agents and their lobbies. The INTV telethon showcased the MEK’s social base. In particular, it showed that the storm of the Iranian people’s uprising for freedom will not stop.


In a message addressing Simay-e-Azadi in this regard, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi described the twenty-third INTV telethon as another climax beyond the past epics and another shining galaxy of determination and readiness of our compatriots for uprising and freedom. Mrs. Maryam Rajavi stressed that in addition to the valuable contributions to Iran National Television, it is the high knowledge and sincere emotions of our compatriots towards the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI), the National Liberation Army (NLA) and the resistance units that shook the clerical regime, down to its foundations.

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Twenty-third INTV telethon, National Solidarity for uprising & freedom